Spencer Reid x Reader

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You were very nervous, you'd never really liked horror mazes to much but it was Halloween and you'd promised Emily. She was Smirking at the worried look on your face. Shed begged you to come in with her and Reid. You were at a Halloween fest with the team, something the people of the town you were in had invited you too, how could have Hotch said no.

Very easily actually. But he instead had decided to say yes and here you were.

"C'mon (Y/N) we catch serial killers, these guys are actors, how scary can they be?" You silently wished that you had taken Penelope's offer to go and get your face painted.

"Actually people are more often afraid of things that aren't real oppose to actual-" Reid tried to explain but was hushed by Emily who noticed the actor at the door walk over to their party of three.

He was dressed as ripped clothes and had "mud" and "blood" smeared all over his face as well as a large knife in his hand. "Its time to meet your doom" even his voice was eerie in the dim light. Grinning Emily grabbed your hand and surged forward.

The actor sniffed you as you walk past, this was a bad idea.

Inside it was even darker than before and you hated it. A small girl stood in the corner of the room, her dress looked like it was from the victorian era and a sickly grim was on her face. Raising her hand she pointed directly at you.

"I like you" her voice was sickly sweet and she began to follow you as you passed into the next room. It looked like a autopsy room, there were a few mistakes but you would let them pass.

Bodies lay on the tables sheets covering them, the one you were closest to suddenly sat up and reached out to grab you. "Ahhh!" You screamed turning around and burying your face in the person behind you.

Who just so happened to be Spencer Reid.

Shocked Spencer wrapped his arms around you out of impulse. Emily chuckled at Reid's red face. Pulling away you looked up at him your eyes met amd both stared into each others eyes until he broke contact and you moved away into Emily. "C'mon love birds its just getting good"


After, luckily surviving the maze you were sat next to Penelope who had her face painted as a cat, you were both sipping your pumpkin soup and looking at the other people.

You hadn't spoken to Spencer since the maze, and weren't really planning to either.

"I think you should tell him" Garcia goaded you shook you head and swung your legs.

"I don't know Pen, I mean he looked really embarrassed" she tutted and shook her head, smiling a knowing smile.

" Just go for it sweat pea" noticing Spencer making his way over to you Garcia stood and walked away.

Spencer gulped and took the seat by your side not saying a word. You'd liked him ever since you'd joined the BAU, it was hard not to fall in love with his adorable ramble and unique hair and clothing style.

"Hey" he muttered looking down at his trusty pair of black converse. You looked up at him, he was biting his lip, something he often did when nervous.

"Lovely weather we're having," you stated awkwardly, bringing a small smile to Spencer's face. He loved your awkwardness, it was one of the many things he loved about you.

"Look (Y/N) I've been thinking about how to tell you this, for, well for a while now and I, when you grabbed onto me earlier, I just" he growled grabbing his hair, he couldn't do this.

Resting your hand on top of his you smiled slightly. "I like you too, Spencer" his head snapped up to your a grin ghosting his lips.

"Really?" You nodded, his grin bow full he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you to him "I like you so much."

Pulling away slightly you ran a hand over his cheek, the skin cool under your finger tips. His skin was always perfect.

Placing your lips on his in a small kiss he let out a breathy moan. You giggled and ran a hand through his hair.

"Happy Halloween" you muttered against his lips.

"The Happiest"

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