Kylo Ren x Reader

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You lazily dragged your fingers through the dark locks of the man you loved. His head was resting in your lap a low hum of contentment slipped from his lips as your fingers brushed his scalp.

You smiled and continued your work on his hair, letting the curls fall through your fingers. It was strange, the moments you shared together seemed to bring out another man. A kinder gentler man who could not be more different then the rage fuelled tyrant the galaxy knew as Kylo Ren.

"Did you sleep well?" His deep voice always made you feel calmer and with a soft kiss to the top of his head you nodded.

"I did my dear," he smiled and opened his eyes, the pale lids peeling back to reveal succulent brown orbs almost as dark as the night sky. You could not think of a time when those eyes did not send your stomach berserk, or make your face redden.

He sat up shifting so he faced you taking each side of your face in the palms of his hands. "I love you," the words were but a whisper but your eyes widened at the sound of them.

You and Kylo had been together for almost a year now and he had never told you he loved you, so you had never told him. It was unspoken, you both knew the other felt it but neither party had the courage to confess.

"You do?"

"More then anything," his lips were soft against your own, the hands that once held your cheeks slowly tangled themselves in your hair. He pulled away resting his forehead against yours his breaths laboured.

"I love you too, Kylo," his lips pulled back into another large smiled as he began to place soft kisses all over your face.

"I must leave, but I will show you bow much I love you once I return." You blushed as he gave you a sly wink and stood from the bed in nothing more than his black undergarments.

You blushed at the site of his lean ,firm body making him chuckle.

"Return soon," you muttered almost without realising.

"Trust me, I will."

A/N: That was a bit shit wasn't it, sorry... 

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