Kylo Ren x Reader

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He still remembered the first time you had met.

You were both seven at the time, he'd been playing smugglers with his dad; A game the two only played when Mum wasn't home. He was in the process of being captured by Lord Chewbacca (the evil lord who kept all the good things hidden away) when you had strolled in holding his mothers hand. His eyes were drawn to you, something about the your hair was pulled into two intricately woven pigtails a the large toothy that grin spread across your face made him instantly know he wanted to be your friend.

"This is (y/n)," His mother had gestured to your small frame "She's going to be staying with us from now on."

He'd been awfully excited at the prospect of you living with them, he'd always wanted a sibling but he supposed you'd make a good substitute.

"I'm Ben," He's muttered holding out his hand, each chubby finger standing to attention.

"I'm (Y/N)."

He remembered the first time he thought he liked you, in more ways than a sister.

You were both fourteen and you were playing cards with Chewbacca, you were winning and the Wookie did not like it.

"Yes!" You screamed, flinging both arms in the air a look of triumph riddling your features. He remembered looking into your eyes and seeing how bright they were, how they shone like stars always filled with joy and even when times where bad hope. His eyes had roamed you, only really then realising how much of a woman you had become, how your once straight body had become much more curvy and your, um, assets had grown much larger then before. He remembered you turning and smile right at him, making his heart stop in his chest as you brushed stray strands you your angel like hair from your face.

"Are you okay Ben your going rather red?"

He remembered when you both started training under Master Luke, the very night the two of you had your first kiss.

"I like him," You muttered strolling over to the bed he had taken residence upon. He looked at the hopeful smile on your face and couldn't supress even the small one that had started to grow on his.

"Well I don't," He huffed folding his arms, "They got rid of us, don't you see, Mum Dad, they don't want us any more!" You had rolled your eyes ignoring his childish ways. After spending nine years with the Solo family you had gotten used to Bens antics.

"Of course they want us Ben, They just want what's best for us," He had chuckled and rose from the mattress coming to his full height which you had always thought quite tall for a boy his age.

"What and this guy is?"

"This guy is your uncle and maybe he is, you don't know until you try, like vegetables you didn't know you liked them so much until you tried them," He brushed off your stupid analogy and fell back onto the bed. You'd giggled as his hair had haloed around his head your fingers brushing through the soft waves, it had been shorter then.

Your eyes had met, his brown ones filled with a warmth similar to the one you received from Leia or Han, but different some how maybe a little more lustful. A tug, one that seemed to have been created by the mind slowly dragged the two of you closer together. Suddenly in a rush your lips met and god it had been marvellous. Your lips were soft just like how he imagined and they pressed furiously against his own just as his pressed against yours. His hands trailed down to your hips, lean fingers gripping them to pull you closer just like he'd always wanted.

"Ben," You gasped breaking away, "Ben, I think I love you, if we're even old enough to understand something so complex" He chuckled at your long winded confession and pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek.

"I love you too,"

He remembered your first argument, the argument that would also be your last.

"You can't be serious?" He frowned and studied the incredulous look that covered your face.

"Completely." You had chuckled shaking your head and torn that hands that he had grasped so firmly away from him to run them through your hair. He was confused, so confused.

His family did not love him, no, he only had you. The old fool that had tried to call himself his master was nothing more than a pitiful oaf that did not care for him either. No, you were the last one, his mother and father had sent him away with out mercy or pity and it was something they would come to regret.

"If you go, I am not coming with you." He had been shocked by your words he'd always thought that you would be together forever, that you would stay by his side to be the remaining simmer of hope in the large dark pit he called the universe. His anger flared as he grabbed both of your shoulders and forced you to look at him.

"Why not, do you no longer love me is that it!" He spat trying to sense what was wrong dip into your mind like he had during training. "You don't do you?" He puled his hands away one however clenched into a fist the glass of water by your bedside shattered the glass covering the floor.

"Fine." He muttered his voice deep, unforgivingly so, "I don't need you."

A small tear pooled from his eyes as he stared at he hologram that sat by his bedside, the smile one your face as you wrapped an arm around his shoulders. It had been, years since he'd seen you.

"Sir, the Captive is ready for interrogation." Swiftly removing the tear and placing on his helmet he nodded and followed the trooper.

All air was knocked from him as he saw your body, fragile, broken strapped to the slab.

"(Y/N)?" The voice that came from the mask was not his own, your eyes lazily met his.

"Oh, Kylo Ren, What an honor," You spat sarcastically, "I will not tell you anything,"

Clenching his fists he used cleared his mind, you would not drag him to the light, he had worked to hard for that to happen.

"We shall see." 

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