Riddler x Reader

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Entering the room the first thing you noticed was the man all in green, his head leaning against his keyboard and a symphony of soft snores coming from his lips. His arms hung limp by his sides and as you stepped closer you saw that his glasses had become a little lop sided.

You had to admit he looked adorable.

Even though at first you were sure you despised the man, Edward had slowly began to grow on you. You remembered first waking up in this place, the fear that swelled in your gut as you opened your eyes to completely new surroundings. You and Edward had fought for days afterwards, all you wanted to do was go home, but he insisted that you had to stay with him.

"I want to go home!" You screamed for seemed like the millionth time. A growl came from your captor as he paced on the screen in front of you. He'd locked you in your 'room' because last time he let you out you'd tried to attack him.

"When will your simple deluded mind realise that YOU CAN'T!" Tears welled in you eyes as he looked at you, you just wanted to leave, see your family, your friends.

"Why Can't I?!" You yelled grabbing the pillow beside you and throwing it at the screen "What did I do?" He looked at you exasperated before cutting off the feed.

He was, or at least he seemed different now, less forceful. It was a nice change, one you had gotten quite used too. You gently ran your hand over his back feeling the tense muscles. You remembered the weeks it took for you to want to talk to him. The need to hear his voice grew until slowly it was unbearable and he let you out. From there on your friendship had only grown.

You'd just eaten dinner together, and you were now proudly flying through on of his home made puzzles books. He made a new one for you every week, it was sort of your thing. Unannounced to you Edward was watching you with a keen gaze, one full of love and perhaps a small amount of lust.

Focusing souley on the book you didn't notice as Edward stood from the table and went to collect something from his 'office'. When he returned he had a small green parcel in his hands. He'd designed it for you months ago, waiting until the right time to finally hand it over.

Hearing him clear his throat you looked up, noticing him carrying the gift you placed the book down. His fingers brushed yours lightly as you took the box from his hands.

Slowly unwrapping it you picked up the jacket, a small smile reaching your lips, He'd made your your very own question mark blazer.

In fact you were wearing that very blazer now as you felt the man beneath your finger tips begin to sturr, He groaned as he sat up from the desk, noticing the horrible stiffness in his neck. Placing a small kiss to his cheek you ran both hands over his shoulders.

"Come Ed, you've been working all day," You tried to coax him out of the chair but in his normal fashion he complained.

"A geniuses work is never done!" He exclaimed, a yawn escaping his lips.

You chuckled and gently pulled him from his seat, his drooping eyes watching you.

"Yeah, Yeah, Let's get you to bed." Slowly you began to help him shuffle to his room, eventually laying him down in his bed before going to leave to yours.

"(Y/N)," His soft tired voice called, stopping you in the door way "You can't leave..." You frowned and walked back over to his side.

"Why not Ed?"

"I love you," Eyes widening in shock you watched as the man once again fell under the spell of sleep.

"I love you too, Ed"

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