Gotham!Oswald x OC (Request)

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can I request a Gotham!Oswald x Evangeline (my oc if it isnt allowed it can be reader.)

A/N: From one of my favourite requesters :3

The crinkle of the brown paper bag was almost satisfying to hear as her dainty fingers rolled it up, the freshly made sandwiches inside smelling absolutely delicious. Ed was often forgetful, and on more than one occasion he had forgotten to make himself lunch. This was one of these occasions.

Not that Evangeline minded making him lunch, she actually quite enjoyed the task. It made her feel like she was repaying the debt that she owed him for taking custody of her.

Humming a small tune she slipped into her shoes and grabbed her keys and the small brown bag before leaving the apartment.


"You can't be here," Ed's voice was hushed as he looked down at the notorious crime lord. The shorter man just smiled his blue eyes catching sight of a figure that was hovering about a metre away from Ed.

"My Friend there seems to be someone here for you?" Evangeline blushed as the icy blue eyes looked over to her. She felt a warm feeling swell In her stomach. She'd never felt this way when a man had looked at her before, he was intriguing his features unique but handsome.

Ed spun around his eyes settling on his younger sister, and then the small brown bag in her hand. He loved it when she made him lunch. She was the only one that understood how to make a good sandwich.

Shyly Evangeline waved at the two man a meek smile on her lips. "I uh, I made you lunch," she elevated the brown bag and watched as Ed smiled and made his was over to her, his shorter counterpart following him closely.

"Thank you my dear," his eyes followed hers and noticed her lingering gaze on Oswald, " oh yes how rude of me, Eve this is Oswald Cobblepot, Oswald this is Evangeline, My sister."

Oswald noticed the pointed glare he received as he was told, but payed to attention to it. She was quite stunning, long dark locks that swirled around her pale face framing it perfectly. Deep brown eyes that where nothing like her brothers kept him in a trance, the entrance to her soul filled with such emotion.

"Its a pleasure to meet you," she held out her hand for him to shake, as their palms touched he couldn't help but notice how soft her skin was, and her voice like music to his ears.

"the pleasure is all mine." A grin stretched across his face making her giggle.

Ed all in all was a little perturbed by the scene that played out before him but decided not to say anything for now.

"well uh I best be going. See you later Eddie."


A harsh wind swept through the Gotham park, one that from her many visits Eve had gotten used to. Holding one of her most prized possessions in her hand she slowly began to strum.

"There was a time when I was alone

Nowhere to go and no place to call home

My only friend was the man in the moon

And even sometimes he would go away, too"

Oswald turned at the sound of such a beautiful singing voice and began to search for its owner.

"Then one night, as I closed my eyes,

I saw a shadow flying high

He came to me with the sweetest smile

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