Derek Morgan x Reader

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A/N: There's no smut but there is like the leading up to smut, basically shirts come off. Yup. I don't like writing smut, even this made me a little uncomfortable but I love my Anons.

i can I request a Drabble in which Morgan and the reader have make-up sex after a fight! or just cuddles! the fight can be abt anything as long as it was rlly big and they maybe haven't spoken for a while? but they missed each other like crazy and they meet at their apartment (maybe they stayed at friends houses?) and make up

Morgan didn't know how it came to this. He didn't think he'd ever hurt you, or that he wouldn't be able to see you for almost two weeks.

Two weeks, didn't seem like long. No, but for Derek it felt like an eternity had passed since he'd seen you.

"How could you!?" You screamed, Derek's eyes wide as he shoved the unknown woman from his grasp. You looked at him holding a hand over your heart, tears brimming in your eyes.

Morgan opened his mouth, ready to defend himself, to tell you that he didn't do it, she forced herself upon him, but he couldn't. His throat clammed up and his eyes just looked at you pleading for forgiveness.

Clenching your eyes shut you turned away, letting the silver ring placed on your finger slip to the ground.

"(Y/N)!" You shook your head not turning to face him, willing the tears to stop. Once a Player always a Player, the motto came to mind as you began to walk away.

"Don't call me."

And he didn't. He wanted to honour the last thing you wished him to do, your last request. Pressing his lips together he twirled the small silver band, it held a clear diamond in a pair of what looked like metal hands. It was an engagement ring. Your engagement ring. He sighed and held the ring in his fist.


You sighed and pulled your knees closer to your chest. It was hard, to see your boyfriend kissing some girl, some whore. You stopped yourself, she wasn't the whore no Derek was. A sexy, funny, kind, adorable man whore.

Scolding yourself for thinking about him again your eyes looked longingly at your bare finger. A small tan line had been left were the ring was and it made you feel empty, and pitiful.

You had been the reason he didn't want to talk, you were the reason he hadn't called or come by, but part of you wanted him too.

But he betrayed you.

Shaking your head you grabbed your phone and looked down blankly at the picture on the screen.

If was of you two, he'd just come back from a case. He was giving you a piggy back around the local park, both of you with great big smiles on your faces.

God, why did you miss him so much. He hurt you, why did you feel like you were to unfair, not giving him a chance to explain. Sighing you unlocked the phone and pressed your finger on the name of the man you loved.

"(Y/N)?" He was surprised when he saw your name flash across the screen. The picture of you smiling proudly showing off your engagement ring, he'd taken that the night he'd proposed.

"(Y/N), I love you, and well we've been together for a year now, and-" your eyes widened as he got down on one knee and pulled a small velvet box from his back pocket, "Will you marry me?"

You didn't even think before launching yourself into his arms.

"Yes a hundred times Yes!"

Derek held the phone closer to his ear, hoping maybe he catch something. You remained silent, and he almost gave up. He'd lost you all because of some drunk woman who couldn't keep her hands to herself.

"I-Please come over to mine," He could hear the sadness in your voice, and the few word came out of your lips. Oh, how wonderful it was to hear your voice again, the sound a soft melody to his awaiting ears.

"I'll be over soon, babygirl I miss yo-" You hung up before he could finish and let the phone slide through your fingers. You'd never realised two weeks away from him could be so difficult, so painful.


As he stared at your friends door it reminded him of your first date. You'd lived with your friend then,he never thought you'd have to live there again. Knocking gently on the door he could bear you shuffling inside.

As his eyes met your frame he noticed how beautiful you looked. You were so beautiful, you always had been, like an angel.

"(Y/N), Hi," you nodded and moved out of the door way to let him in. You could feel yourself shake with anticipation as he stepped into the lounge.

"(Y/N) she came at me," his voice was small and you could feel anger begin to swell.

"And you couldn't say no?!" His fists clenched and he looked at you, glaring.

"It wasn't like that!"

"Then what was it like?!"

"She. Came. At. Me!"

"oh Fuck it," grabbing hold of his shirt you slapped your lips together pulling his body close to yours. His hands travelled into your hair fingers massaging your scalp. His lips worked ferociously against yours tongue surging past the barrier of your lips and battling with yours.

The two of you moved backwards until you fell on the couch his body on top of yours. You hadn't realised how much you wanted to touch him until he was on top of you. Yanking at the bottom of his shirt you eventual got the layer off of him and onto your floor. His knee rested in between your legs gently applying pressure to your woman hood.

A breathy moan left your lips as Derek started to attack your neck his hands sliding down to the hem of your shirt. You mapped his torso with your hands feeling each firm muscle underneath your fingertips. Soon your shirt was off too and Derek had begun to plant kisses down your stomach.

You let your hands slip down to his crotch and began to palm him through his jeans. He paused a feral growl leaving his lips,

"I'm sorry Babygirl I love you,"

"I love you too, so don't stop," He chuckled and planted a kiss just before your waistband.

"Of course Babygirl,"  

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