Bucky Barnes x Reader

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You yawned and stretched sitting up in your bed. The sheets ruffled as you pulled on a pair of slippers and shuffled out if the room.

Reaching out to the kettle you flipped the switch allowing the water inside to bubble. You felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around you causing you to squeak. You felt Bucky's laugh vibrate against your back , he had a deep chuckle it was a sound you wanted to hear more often.

His face nuzzled into your neck his hair tickling the bare part of your shoulder. Smiling you gently dragged your fingers through the brown locks. "Good morning" he hummed against your skin "It is indeed" turning around in his arms you faced him looking into his blue eyes.

Even though he was the winter solider a man that had brought so many so much pain you loved him.He wasn't that man anymore. He was Bucky, Your Bucky.

"I love you" the words left your lips in a soft whisper. Blue eyes darted around your face shock filling then to the brim. "I love you too" he kissed you softly and slowly a kiss full of love. He pulled away resting his forehead on yours.

The kettle clicked signalling it was done. "let me make Tea" you attempted to turn around but Bucky wouldn't let you leave his arms. You giggled as he began to tickle you the more you pulled away "No Buck ahhh!" He chuckled at you. Pulling you as close to his chest as you could be and pressed a soft kiss to your temple.

"I mean it I love you" you smiled and ran a hand tenderly over his cheek.

"I love you too but I also love Tea and right now its calling me" he smiled releasing you to make the hot drink.


You smiled as you sipped the coffee " Thanks for letting me make this Buck" he shrugged a smirk on his face. " no problem but you will be making this up to me later" with a wink he sauntered out of the room leaving you flustered.


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