Spencer Reid x Reader

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Spencer walked into the bar, the team by his side. Somehow they had managed to get him to agree to come and here he was. The smell of alcohol hit him first over whelming his senses. Besides that the place seemed nice, it was quaint, he could see why Garcia thought he would like it.

Taking his seat he asked Morgan to order him a lemonade, not really in the mood for drinking, his friend laughed and nodded walking away to the bar. JJ and Emily had already gone to play darts which left him alone with Hotch and Rossi.

As the two older men were talking Reid's eyes were drawn to a woman sat all on her lonesome. She was nursing what seemed to be a lemonade but he couldn't really tell. Her eyes were downcast and she nodded her head to the melody from the radio.

The first thing that struck him was how beautiful the woman was, quickly surveying the area for any kind of boyfriend he was surprised to find none. There was no way the woman was alone.

Rising from his seat, Spencer made the impulse decision to go and talk to her. Clearing his throat, he watched as her eyes met his a small smile gracing her lips.

"Um, may I ?" She nodded watching as he too his seat. She took a sip from her lemonade relishing in the feeling of the cool liquid running down her throat.

"Hi," She muttered, astonished that the attractive man had come over to her. "I'm (Y/N)."

Spencer looked at her, her name was beautiful. "I-I'm Spencer," He cursed himself for stuttering and watched as her smile grew, even her smile was amazing.

"what brings you over to me?" Spencer swallowed and suddenly found his hands very interesting.

"Well, I, You seemed-" Giggling she placed a hand over her mouth and stopped his hopeless ramble. He smiled at her.

"I like your name, its quite unique nowadays," He nodded and let his tounge wet his lips.

" The name Spencer is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Spencer is, Keeper of provisions" (y/n) nodded liking the sound of his rambling voice. "Its acctually very fitting-"

Jumping up (Y/N) cut him off once again "Oh, my God, this is my song!" Grabbing Spencer's hand she pulled him up with her "Come here boy, I wanna dance."

And before he could protest he was on his feet and being spun around. The sound of (Y/N)'s giggles filling the air.


They'd spent the rest of the night talking and getting to know each other. A sit turned out they had loads in common and she'd offered to give Spencer a lift home.

He'd been listening to the soft hum of the radio silently hoping to himself that 'her song' would come back on. It didn't matter to him now that Morgan had been eyeing the couple all night. No what mattered was now, the present.

"So Spence, what do you do, for a living I mean?" Her voice broke through the comfortable silence.

"I work with the FBI, I'm part of the BAU," (Y/n) nodded and pulled up outside the address Spencer had told her.

A small familiar tune began to play on the radio and (Y/n)'s face lit up immediately. Spencer smiled as she turned up the radio, and turned to face him.

"I can't believe they're playing it again!" He chuckled as she jumped out of her side of the vehicle and ran over to his, pulling him into yet another dance.

They both chuckled as they span round. Suddenly stopping (y/n) pressed her lips to his cheek, a blush spreading across Spencer's face like wild fire.

"Good night Spence." Sending him a wink she jumped back into her car and took off.

Standing shocked in front of his apartment building, Spencer felt a piece of paper in his hand. Looking down he saw,

'Call me, (Y/N) X'

With her number scribbled beneath it. Smiling to himself he gripped the paper tighter and looked to where her car had disappeared.

And he promised himself that he would.

A/N: sorry its a bit rubbish :/

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