General Hux x Reader

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A soft groan escaped your lips as you pressed your head against the cold metal walls of the medical bay. You gripped your head in pain. It had been the first head ache in days, you had hopped that the aliment had gone as the nurse had predicted, but it seemed as if you were  to have no such luck. 

Your eyes scanned the hallway making sure no one had seen you in pain. As an Officer of the First Order you didn't like to seem weak, especially in front of those below you. Much to your relief the hallway was empty, you didn't need another nurse telling you when to sleep. In truth you hadn't slept properly in just over a month. It was dangerous, Ren might even throw a fit if he found out. But how could you sleep when your mind was plagued with horrible images of pain and death. The supreme leader had warned you, warned you about the pain but still you excepted and now here you were. 

A blaster wound in your shoulder and pounding head ache. It had seemed so easy to nod silently, you were so young, so innocent, so angry.

"(Y/N)?" You froze at the sound of the familiar voice and were half tempted to shake your head and pretend to be someone else. You  had done that a lot in your early teenage years disguised yourself in order to get information the First Order had needed. A soft hand on your shoulder jolted you back to reality, the familiar leather gloves rubbed against the bandage that wrapped around her wound.

Turning expecting to look into the deep eyes of your best friend, a simple stutter passed through your lips, when had he gotten here?

General Hux, one of the most important men in the Galaxy gently ran his hands against your shoulder  and starred into your eyes. He was quite handsome, not many other mean had his fine cheek bones and slender face, none that you had seen anyway. Ren had some sort of problem with the man but you'd never spoken long enough for him to offend you.

"What are you doing here?" your voice sounded course. You blinked slowly up at the unwavering eyes of the man before you and winced as the pain came back full force.

"Are you okay?" Hux's voice was smooth, like silk but warm like a fire in a way it was the most comforting sound you had ever heard and a small part of you wished you could hear it more often then you did.

 "Yes," He nodded and studied your face to make sure you were telling the truth. He had always had a way for sensing a liar, it was something you admired along with his calm temper and how he was effective in all he did. 

He caught your gaze and looked into your eyes, even in the dim light of the medical he was beautiful. Copper hair shimmered as you both sat in a comfortable silence, you studied him intently. The two of you had spoken before, small chat, mainly the giving and following of orders, but there had always been an attraction of sorts between the two of you, on your end anyway. Kylo had brushed off the idea of Hux being anything more than a cold unfeeling man who was a pain the Ren's arse and told you it was most likely because he was the first man your age you'd seen in a while besides himself.

Which was true, Kylo had been your friend for quite some time and finding people your own age who held your political views was a rare occurrence. Storm troopers didn't count, they had no choice in the matter.

Slowly he raised his hand and brushed a stray strand of your hair from your face. He broke the gaze first to look down at your lips. You'd never kissed anyone before, often you had wondered what it would be like. If it would be as nice as people said, or of it would be so disappointing. In truth you'd never thought you'd be able to discover the truth.

  A small gasp escaped your lips as his soft lean fingers brushed against the skin of your lips. Slowly but swiftly he swooped down to your level. Now that the two of you were face to face you could concentrate on the smooth curves of his face even more. God, he was magnificent, golden eyes watched you as lean fingers traced the skin of your cheeks. 

"Why?" Your word cut through the silence, he looked a little shocked and might have even left if not for the hand you had placed on his. His skin was as cold as it was pale, something that shocked you a little more then it should have.

"I," He paused moving forward so your lips were centimeters apart, "I care," Slowly, too slowly he cupped your cheeks with his hands drawing nearer to you. 

"(Y.N)?" The voice of your one true friend called from the hall way the shadow of him gliding a long the walls. With a soft curse Hux stood and nodded to you once before pressing his lips to your bruised knuckles in a swift motion.

And then he was gone. 

"Are you alright, I heard what happened?" Still slightly dazed you turned to see your best friend, he wore no helmet and his dark waves of hair spilled out around his shoulders. 

"I'm Fine," His eyes softened as he reached you side and lovingly ran a hand across your unharmed shoulder. Taking a seat in the small amount of room left on the bed an almost devious smirk spread across his lips.

"So, what were you and Hux doing?"

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