Kylo Ren x Apprentice!Reader

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You gently brushed the hair from your eyes in an attempt to be able to see once more. Sweat had begun to culminate on your brow due to the intense concentration of your mind. 

The mouse droid stayed hovering in the air your eyes never leaving it. For a moment you where sure you had it, that all your training had paid off and you could finally successfully use the force. Even if it was just a small amount. 

But all those dreams where shattered as the Droid fell and smashed on the cold metal floor of your living quarters. 

A sigh left your lips as you looked dejectedly down at the pile of screws and bolts. Standing you ran a hand through your hair.

Why couldn't you do it?

You had followed your masters instructions to the finest detail, maybe you were not as strong with the force as you had previously thought...

The sound of your door opening jolted you out of your thoughts and the gentle robotic breathing of your master calmed your mind. 

"(Y/N)?" His voice though spoken through the mask gave you a small amount of comfort he was the only person here that you trusted. Even if he had stolen you from your parents he was not a bad person, he was simply confused. And he saw something in you, unlike everyone else before who had shunned you for not being like them, a freak as many would say. 

"I am okay Master," He chuckled at the use of the word master and the familiar sound of gas being released let you know his mask was being removed. 

A hand rested on your shoulder, the black leather tightening as he gripped you.

"You'll get it, I know you will," He placed a gentle kiss to your cheek, " Also please call me Ren when we're alone."

You chuckled lightly and gripped the hand that was on your shoulder. It was a well kept secret that you and your master shared feelings for one another. The people you lived with payed little to no attention to you and this only made it easier to hide.

Turning your head you placed a kiss on his warm lips and savored the feel of him against you. It was a feeling that could simply not be put into words. It was bliss. He returned the kiss and wrapped his arms around your waste holding your body to his.

You smiled. How could someone so evil  be so sweet?

"I love you Ren.." his eyes widened as you nuzzled into his chest. 

Love was something he had not been given from another person for such a long time. After his parents betrayal he had thought it impossible that someone would ever be able to love him. Yet here you where, his apprentice, someone he had saved because he saw a hunger in you a hunger that reminded him of himself. 

You had began to worry at his silence. What if you had jumped the gun, you knew that Ren was hurt emotionally. What his parents had done to him had ripped a large hole in his chest and he was wounded. What if you confessing your love had only hurt him further because he still felt incapable of this emotion. 

Pulling out of the embrace you muttered a quick apology before leaving your room. Ren attempted to call after but his words fell on deaf ears. Storming to the training room you sighed to yourself. How could you have been so stupid to think that he could love you, you where his apprentice. It probably broke a law and he was a wounded man, he would not waste what little emotion he had on you. Not now, not ever

Grabbing another mouse droid you sat in a cross legged position in the middle of the training podium. 

Focusing your anger on the droid you watched as the droid slowly and wobbly began to levitate into the air. A large grin broke out across your face as it didn't fall. trying to put more anger into your movements you watched as the pace it  rose became much faster and the droid flew a good ten meters above you.

"I told you, you could do it," Hearing his voice you spun causing the droid to fall and hit the floor.  "(Y/N) I'm sorry," You chuckled and stood turning to the exit. 

"No wait please hear me out," Sighing you looked up into the beautiful brown eyes that where filled with regret. "I love you (Y/N), I just I guess I never thought anyone would love me and when you said it, I well, I panicked." His hands gripped your face making you look up at him, you knew that he wasn't lying. 

"I love you so much (Y/N)," Tilting your head slightly he connected your lips once again the feeling of bliss spreading through you.

"I love you too Ren."

A/N: So so sorry that this took me this long, I hope it was okay probably not quite what you expected but my brain sorta went off on one, so I hope you like it any way 

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