Gotham!Bruce Wayne x Reader

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Slowly sipping the warm tea a content smile covered your face. You could feel the heat through the mug spread its warmth through the gaps in your fingers encapsulating them in an invisible shield. 

Gotham didn't have many places that someone could feel comfort. Its often cold summers and even harsher winters meant that a person was most likely to not ever feel content. Letting your eyes open you focused down on the milky brown liquid, and you had to admit you felt pretty content. The small cafe you had found sanctuary in was most likely one of the coziest places in all of Gotham City. 

Incandescent bulbs hung from the low ceiling giving the whole place a sorta homey vibe, as the light played off of the smooth grays and beige of the walls. The bell above the door rang to signal the entry of a new customer but you paid them no mind as you once again took a sip from your tea. 

"Ah Mr Wayne so good to see you again!" You heard the person behind the counter exclaim. "Would sir like his regular?" Raising an eyebrow your interest in this person had been peaked. Looking up from the small wooden table your eyes met the frame of a boy no older than you, his dark hair slicked into a parting that sat perfectly on his head. He smiled at the man behind the counter but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Yes, thank you," As he waited for his drink you watched as his eyes flitted around the cafe, until finally they landed on you. A soft gasp left your lips and you hurriedly looked back down to your tea a warm blush spreading over your cheeks. 

Gosh, had he caught you starring? 

The bell rang again as another customer walked into the establishment. "Master Bruce?" The distinctly British voice of an older gentlemen called to who you assumed was the young man you'd been starring at. 

"Just a second Alfred," You could hear footsteps but tried to focus on your tea, he already caught you starring once you couldn't let it happen again. You heard someone near you clear their throat, taking a slow breath you looked up into the warm brown eyes of 'Mr Wayne'. 

"I'm Bruce," he held out his hand which you shook, "I uh, this is my address, you can you know...visit if you want," The blush on your cheeks grew more as the piece of paper was passed into your hands. 

"I'm (Y/N), and I'd love to," You smiled at him gently which made him smile too.

"I gotta go but uh, see you soon?"

"Of course."


Nervousness filled you as you strolled down the path to Wayne Manor. This was your third time visiting in a month. You and Bruce had become good friends, soon you hoped maybe more. The manor was impressive, the gardens seemed so vast and full of colour. Much more beautiful then anything you'd seen before in Gotham. 

"(Y/N)! You came," Bruce smiled up at you from his position on the chair, Alfred gave you a kind smile as he left you and Bruce alone in the front room. 

"What you up to B?" He chuckled at the nickname and slowly collected the files around him. He'd been working on some secret project for just over a week and wouldn't let you know anything about it.

"Nothing, uh (Y/N)?" A new sense of nervousness filled his tone which made you take a seat next to him. "C-can I tell you something?"

"Of course," You gently laid your hand on his arm trying to bring him some comfort. 

"I really like you, as in like, more than friends.." You gasped and he refused to meet your eye, "I know we're young but, I think it could mean that...that I like like you.." 

"Bruce.. I like you like that too," Your eyes met and slowly his face drew closer to yours, you felt his lips press against your cheek the warmth of them spreading through your soft skin. 

You slid your hand onto his interlocking your fingers a soft smile gracing your lips.

Little did either of you know that a proud Alfred was watching the scene of affection take place from just outside the door.

A/N: I hope you like ittt x

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