Riddler x Vigilante! Reader

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Looking over to your left you felt the wind blow through your hair. The gentle breeze peppering kisses along your skin. Bruce stood beside you his eyes fixed on the city you called home.


For two years now you had fought along side him trying to protect the city from its demons. And tonight you were doing his that.

There had been reports of question mark bombs being places in banks, and who else could that be but the Riddler. You and Bruce had disarmed the bombs, in no time each answering the riddle that came along with the bomb. Now you were searching the city for any sign of the hideout you and Oracle had detected earlier.

"Do you think, maybe he skipped town?" You turned to face Bruce, his cold blue eyes boring into your own. He opened his mouth to speak before he was cut off.

"No no Dark Knight, you have to look harder than that, this isn't a game of hide and seek!" The egotistical and rather annoying voice of Edward Nygma rang through both of your ear pieces.

You visibly winces and brought your hand to your ear as if it would make the noise go away. "What do you want Nygma?" Bruce's voice was as gruff as always, after a short while you had gotten used to it.

"What I want is simple, I'm sure even your simple primitive mind can understand it," you studied Bruce carefully waiting for some sort of reaction but he gave none.

"I am just two and two, I am warm, I am cold, I am lawful, unlawful. A duty, a fault, I am often sold dear, Good for nothing when bought; An extraordinary boon, and a matter of course, and yielding with pleasure. When taken by force." You frowned musing over the puzzle in your head. Bruce remained stoic and you breathed in sharply as you finally got the answer.

"You want, a kiss?" A chuckle emitted from the ear pieced making you wince again.

"So she can speak, and how lovely it is when she does," you felt yourself blush a small amount but tried and probably failed it hide it from Bruce "Yes My Dear, all it will take is a kiss to kindle this mans fire."

Bruce gave you a curious gaze as he noticed the blush on your cheeks. Your tried to ignore him and focus on the man talking in your ear.

"Since today I am feeling considerably generous, and my little Bat is taking part, I'll give you my location," The man rambled off the address and you watched as Bruce input the location into your maps.

"See you soon my dear." And with those parting words the man was going leaving you and Bruce alone. The taller man walked over to you starring you down. You internally shivered at the parental look he was giving you, it was a look Bruce only gave when he wanted something.

"Head back to the cave (Y/N) , Alfred and Oracle can protect you from there." You shook your head stepping back from him slightly.

"Your not going to pawn me off on them like you do Dick or Tim, you don't own me, I can do what I want and I want to go with you."

He sighed, and moved over to the ledge, letting you know that you could come. You mentally cheered a smile on your face, "Keep up," He muttered challenging you, rolling your eyes you watched as he jumped from the building swooping into a glide.

"Show off." Jumping off the ledge you followed his actions and you were both on your way.


Of all the things you could have asked about the Riddler's hideout, only one question sprung to mind.

Where did he get all the green paint?

You and Bruce were in the so called elevator heading down to no doubt face a group of gang members the Riddler had hired. You really didn't like this place it was dark and dingy, and as if that wasn't enough the smell of damp, and stale water hung in the air.

Finally the elevator stopped and after a scan of the area you were surprised that you weren't ambushed by a gang like you had expected. Shrugging you stepped out of the elevator a hand of your batarangs. But as soon as both of your feet had left the elevator the gates slammed shut trapping Bruce inside. A pair of concrete doors slammed over those, as if they were for good measure.

"Batman!" The screamed left your lips and the palm of your hands collided with the concrete wall. You winced as you felt your left hand become grazed. Spinning round you took notice of the door, a large green question mark splattered on it. Sighing you supposed you had no other option and entered the door.

As soon as you entered the appearance of the room caught you off guard. It was darker than the other room, this ones only light source being the two candles on the table in front of her. The table was circular and was covered in what looked to be a purple velvet sheet, cutlery was layed out next to wine glasses like a dinner date. You frowned and moved closer to the table. Noticing a card you picked it up.

'What makes grown men cry, but humanity would be extinct without it?'

You read the question allowed and jumped dropping the card as a voice sounded from in front of you.

"The answer my dear is, Love," Looking up you saw Edward Nygma, he was dressed in his usual green suit, his cane in hand. You gulped, this was the first time you'd ever seen him in the flesh. He was mildly attractive in the files, but in real life, well he was just so much better.

"Riddler," You growled making him chuckle, as he began to walk closer to you.

"No need for formalities my dear (Y/N)," Eyes widening you felt yourself lose your footing, how did he know your name?

He gestured for you to take a seat and you did, first checking for any sort of trapping contraption. He too sat and began to pour wine into the glasses. You watched him the entire time, eyes not leaving his frame. You began to think about Bruce, god he was probably so worried about you. If you'd just gone back to the cave like he said you wouldn't be in this trouble.

"How do you know my name?" He chuckled again, and you had to say the sound was slowly becoming more pleasant. "No I don't care, What do you want?" He paused and seemed to be musing over how to answer your question.

"I am in need of a companion." You raised an eyebrow and watched as he brought the wine glass to his lips taking a sip.

"But, what about Echo and Query?" He shook his head a smirk on his lips, you were confused.

"I am in need of a companion for life, someone whom I can be with forever." Your eyes widened as you quickly realised he was asking you to be his. You coughed and shook your head. He however nodded and grasped your hand before you could you retract it.

"Yes my dear, you are everything a man like me could wish for, Smart, Beautiful and no to mention your fiery personality," You blushed at his words and the way his eyes seemed to light up whilst he spoke about you.

"But-" You were cut off as the door slammed open and Bruce marched over to Edward punching him in the face, you wince, that looked like it hurt.

Edward groaned as he fell to the floor clutching his chin, before Bruce finally knocked him out. Leaving the man on the floor Bruce came over to your side giving you a once over with his eyes.

"Are you okay?" You nodded eyes still fixed on the unconscious body of The Riddler.


"You can't leave me like this!"

After Bruce had finished seeing if you were okay, he had tied Edward up and suspended him from the ceiling. It was quite amusing to see the infuriated man struggling as he shouted at the two of you. Bruce was walking back to the elevator ready to leave, noticing his back was to you, you seized your chance and placed a soft kiss on the Riddlers lips.

"Thanks," You muttered before running off to Bruce, leaving the man in green a blushing mess.

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