Kylo Ren x Sith Lord! Reader

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You strode through the halls of the star destroyer, the black fabric of your robes billowing behind you. The familiar tap if your saber against your leg kept you calm as you approached your destination.

Punching in the code the door slid open revealing the training room you had become accustomed too. Striding into the room you removed your large robe leaving you in a small undershirt and your trousers. Pulling the saber from your belt you flexed your fingers against the cool metal handle and got into a fighting stance releasing the glowing blade.

The gentle hum, and red glow helped you to keep your focus and not think of why you had ventured to the training room in the first place. Expertly you slashed the blade throughout the air, spinning, flipping and kicking. You were so focused on releasing the anger that had been caused by General Hux you didn't hear the door open.

Kylo Ren was surprised to see you training, you often did not leave the confines of your quarters and when called upon acted cold and hostile. You showed no remorse or mercy and were as feared as he was throughout the Galaxy. He watched as you gracefully flipped through the air, your ancient blade humming as it hit its invisible targets.

A layer of sweat formed on your brow as you stopped letting you arms fall to your sides. A spike in the force alerted you to Kylo Ren's presence. You shut down your saber and turned to face him.

"What brings you here?" Your voice was stoic as was the expression on your face. Ren strode further into the room and removed his cape.

"I am here to train." He could not help but devour your body with his eyes, you were truly beautiful it was something he had never noticed before.

"Ha, yes you need to train," your tone was sarcastic as your hands slid to your hips, "You are weak, my you can barely handle your saber!"

Anger flared within him clenching his fists he removed his helmet and carefully placed it down. Pulling said saber from his belt he released it, it's crackling glow reflecting upon his face.

"How dare you insult me!" You chuckled as he stood closer to you trying to intimidate you with his height.

"There you go again, letting your anger get the best of you, slipping into to the light," you drew your own saber and took a correct stance.

Kylo cried out in aggravation charging at you saber first. You swiftly dodged and kicked him in the leg, making him fall.

"See," he stood grabbing the handle of his blade that had fallen beside him. "I am better because I control my emotions, I use my hate to make me stronger."

"You are not better than me!" He growled in a low menacing tone, "I challenge you, the winner is obviously the better Sith!" You found his idea childish but something made you want to join in, maybe it was the fire that licked in his midnight brown eyes or his alluring deep voice that sent a shiver down your spine.

With a stiff nod of your head you resumed your stance from earlier and waited for him to attack. He did, although this time it was less head on more controlled. Blocking his strike you tried hit his legs but he stopped you with a strike of his own. You had to admit he was rather good.

Kicking his shin you watched in triumph as he stumbled back, you closed in like a feline on its prey but he regained balance and tried to strike at your face. You parried for the next five minutes or so before you brought your glowing blade down upon his arm causing him to hiss out in pain.

Taking the opportunity you kicked him down and placed your blade at his throat. The red glow illuminated his pale skin and you couldn't help but notice how nice it looked.

"Do you yield?" You muttered your breaths laboured, suddenly you found your back pressed against the cold ground a heavy weight upon your chest.

"Do you?" Kylo's words were filled with venom as he placed his hand around your throat the save on the ground a few inches away. You looked into his eyes, they reminded you of the star patterned cloak of space, dark, deep, hiding a million secrets treasures waiting to be discovered.

Before you had a chance to answer the question Kylo's lips were upon yours in a forceful yet passionate kiss. You responded and interwove your fingers into the long locks of black hair that grew upon his head.

"I win," he muttered against your lips not once breaking the heavy kiss.

"Shut up."

A/N: Here you go! I actually love this Idea so much I had to start writing it straight away. I hope you like it!

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