Star Lord x Reader pt 2

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 You and Peter had been dating for about a month and you had never been happier in your life. You knew that your dad would have loved Peter almost as much as you did. Currently you where having your breakfast, Peter had made you (favorite breakfast) . You smiled as you swallowed the delicious food, your dad used to make them all the time and it just reminded you of home and your childhood. Peter lent in and gave you a peck on the cheek stealing a bit of the food from your plate/bowl. 

"Damn this is good!" He exclaimed causing you to giggle. You didn't really mind him stealing your food any more, in fact you found it sort of adorable. "Hun-Bun I gotta make this more often" he had taken to calling you horrible pet names that the rest of the Guardians hated but you found cute. "Oh god please spare me the mushy talk" Rocket came and took a seat at the table. The fur on his left cheek had become matted like he had been leaning in it and a small amount of drool had made its way there as well. You held back a giggle at the appearance of the raccoon. Peter rolled his eyes "C'mon Rocket you know your just jealous" Rocket snorted and grabbed a plate of the breakfast Peter had made and put a forkful/spoonful into his mouth. 

"Jealous of what your stupidity, no thanks" he replied after he swallowed Rocket then turned to you "What the hell is this" You giggled and explained what it was, he nodded and ate the rest pretty quickly. Peter had gone back to whatever he was doing and you proceeded to eat your lovely meal. After you had finished Peter grabbed your plate and placed it in the automatic washer. "C'mon!" He grabbed your hand and pulled you from you chair down the hall and to your now shared living quarters. "Whats going on?" You asked suspiciously, first he made you breakfast which he had never done before and now this, he was up to something. He laughed "It's a surprise I just need you to get dressed and nicely" You frowned at him and he realised his mistake "Not that you don't dress nicely normally, because you do , I meant smartly like in a dress and whatnot" You raised an eyebrow but did as he asked and ten minutes later you were ready to go. 

You wore a simple (Fav colour) dress with black flats and a bit of light eye shadow and lip gloss. You placed on some jewelry that went with your outfit and skipped out of your room to find Drax standing outside instead of Peter. You frowned at the large man in confusion "Mr Quill has told me to inform you that he is by the entrance of the Milano and that we have landed" You thanked him before speeding off to where Peter was."Peter?" You called as you neared the entrance of the ship. He popped his head out from behind a corner and smiled at you. He came into view and bowed to you respectively "My Lady" He offered you a hand that you took, it was then you noticed that he was dressed in a smart shirt and a blazer. 

He still wore his Ravanger trousers but that was just Peter. You gasped as the realisation finally sunk in "Would you please allow me to escort you on a date today?" You nodded and smiled at him."Of course Peter" He smiled and pulled out a small black jewelry box. Your (e/c) eyes widened. He opened the box reveling a beautiful gold necklace with a star pendent. Engraved on the star was the message ' My one and only Star Lady ' Your hand covered your mouth as he looked at you worried you didn't like it "Peter I," You started at a loss for words he hung his head and sighed. "I know it was stupid sorry" You shook your head and threw your arms around him nearly making him fall over. 

"I love it" 

You kissed him square on the lips and smiled into the kiss."I'm glad" You pulled away and stood up straight. He removed the necklace out from the box and placed it around your neck. "Its beautiful, just like you" He tucked a strand of your (h/c) hair behind your ear and you began to blush curiously making him smile. he gripped your hand and dragged you off of the Milano. You had no idea what planet you were on but soon you were in some sort of fancy restaurant. Peter held the door open for you as you entered. You gasped, it was like nothing you'd ever seen before. The floor was covered in a velvet like pattern carpet and the walls painted a brilliant red. Black curtains hung over the stained glass windows and various couples littered the seating area. "This looks so expensive" You whispered to Peter, he smiled at you and placed his lips to your ear "Trust me Baby, I'm Star Lord" You rolled your eyes and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. He was such an idiot, but he was your idiot.

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