Sherlock x Reader

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You sighed resting your hands against your stomach. Should you tell him, probably. But what if he left you and your child alone. After all he was Sherlock Holmes and you had only been together for a month and a half, but surely your relationship meant something to him.

Otherwise he wouldn't be with you. You were snapped out of your thoughts as Sherlock entered the room you now shared. "Stressful day?" You asked simply, he always came straight to you after a argument with John or Mycroft. He sometimes came to you because of cases but it was mostly because of Mycroft. His brother could be a real arse. Sherlock flopped onto the bed next to you and laid face first on the mattress. You giggled slightly as he released an aggravated groan and laid his head in your lap.You ran your fingers through his hair and placed a gentle kiss to his forehead.

He opened his eyes to look at you, you were beautiful especially to him it wasn't just your (e\c) eyes that seemed sparkle or your (h/l) (h/c) hair that framed your face, no it was your brain as well. It had always been a mystery to him how you thought that's why he first took interest in you.

You smiled down at him his crystal blue eyes scanning your face. "What's wrong?" You asked as he raised him self off of your lap and tucked a stray strand of your hair behind your ear. " I could ask you the same thing" he raised an eyebrow at you. You began to avoid eye contact until he pulled your chin so you would look at him.

He pressed his lips to yours in a brief kiss and rubbed his thumb gently on your cheek. "Sherlock, I'm P-" you were cut off as John opened the door. He took in your current position with Sherlock's hand on your face and a light blush covered his cheeks. "Sorry Sherlock but we have a guest" Sherlock sighed heavily and pushed himself off the bed and out of the door. You released a shaky breath, you were so close to telling him.

With a sigh you laid back on the bed and sighed. What were you going to do.

***That night ***

You were sat in Sherlock's chair with a cup of tea. Your dressing gown was wrapped around you and one of Sherlock's shirts was covering your frame. The guest had turned out to be Mycroft. He came to speak to Sherlock about some top secret stuff, you had entered the conversation half way and with one look you knew that Mycroft knew your secret. Sherlock was sat on the couch in his mind palace, no doubt thinking about Mycroft's visit.

"(y/n)?" Your head spun to face were the deep baritone voice had come from " what were you going to say?" You remembered that you had almost told him. "Sherlock,I'm Pregnant" you bit your lip and looked away from him placing your tea on the table.

"how long" he asked though clenched teeth. You looked up at him, he was focused on the floor. "Only since yesterday, I didn't want you to be distracted whilst on your case." His head snapped up and in a moment of weakness he lunged at you his hands wrapping around your waist and his lips pressed against yours in a frantic kiss.

"You are more important than any case" His hand rested upon your stomach and he gently placed a kiss on your forehead and you hugged him tighter to you. "I love you Sherl" you muttered in his ear a smirk.graced his features as his thumb lazily rubbed your stomach. "Obviously" you chuckled lightly and smacked him gently on the arm.

"This Childs going to be spoilt rotten" you stated looking at his hand. Sherlock grinned and pulled you into his lap Were you both fell asleep.

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