Daredevil x Reader

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The sheets beside you felt cold as your arm stretched out, the person they expected to drape across missing.

Your eyes snapped open, the darkness of the room overwhelming you. When you had first met him, this was how you pictured Matt's world. An endless black. Blinking a few times you felt your eyes adjust, a sliver of pink light leaking into the room from the slightly open door.

Pulling on your discarded shirt you tiptoed out of the bed. Your being quiet was useless as he would hear you anyway, he would smell you coming be you could even try and sneak up on him. The door creaked lightly as you opened it, the pink light now flooding into the darkness.

Matt's back stood a few metres away, his scared skin illuminated by the harsh light of the neon sign. It was beautiful.

He knew you where there. You could tell by the way his shoulders tensed slightly, waiting for you to ask him what was wrong. But you wouldn't. You knew what was wrong, asking would make no difference.

Careful to not step on the creaky boards you moved over to him, until his bare skin was an inch from you.

He breathed in sharply as your lips pressed into his shoulder blade, arms wrapping loosely around his waist.
For a moment you both just stood in the silence, the neon light illumination you both.

"Please," your voice was quiet but he had heard you, his body relaxing under your touch. Gently you pressed another kiss to a more recent wound, a small hum of appreciation leaving his lips. "Come back?"

You meant to bed, but you couldn't help but feel like you meant more than that. Come back to bed, come back to us, come back to work, come back to me.

Turning in your arms he gently took your face in his rough hands, thumbs stroking your cheeks. You felt him push away tears you didn't realise had fallen. His blank eyes looked in your direction, but never quite at you, the deep brown seeming to see right through you. He'd assured you once that he knew what you looked like, that even if he didn't, it didn't matter. That you were beautiful.

He leant forward resting his forehead on yours, his brow drenched with sweat from another nightmare. Slowly you moved your hands from his waist, slipping them up to his cheeks, the pads of your thumb gently stroking his lips.

His breathing hitched at your motion, the lips pressing softly against your thumb.

You knew he couldn't.

That he wouldn't come back until it was safe, until everyone was safe.

"Matt-" he cut you off with a soft kiss, warm lips pressing gently against your temple. He knew what you were going to say, he could hear your heart beating rapidly in your chest as more tears threatened to spill over.

"I love you." your eyes widened at his words, not comprehending the emotion in his voice. He loved you? Matt Murdock loved you?

He smiled at the stunned expression on your face blank eyes shinning slightly. A soft blush dusted your cheeks as you gently pressed your lips to his own, a gaso escaping as his arms wrapped around you tightly, pulling you flush to his chest.

"I love you too." he smiled again, arms catching under your knees to effortlessly lift you into his arms. You hated it when he did that, it made you feel so small, so weak. But you kept your protests to yourself as he lead you back into the bedroom, laying you carefully down on the mattress.

"Stay?" you asked, voice filled with hope as he pulled away, no doubt to start his nightly activities. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips and for a second he was gone. Although physically still in the room his mind was elsewhere, listening to what ever was happening in the city, scouting for anyone that needed him.

Wordlessly he fell into the bed beside you, an arm lazily draping across your waist. Sleep claimed you quickly as he pulled you close, head burrowing into the crook of your neck.

He had stayed.
He loved you.

At least for now, he had come back.

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