Spencer Reid x Reader

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You where standing in front if the mirror inspecting your outfit. It was a simple,purple dress that came down to just above your knees. Clutching your necklace you fiddled with the small heart pendant, it had been a present from your sister, well your adoptive sister Jenifer. She had given it to you for your birthday last year, you remembered crying as she threw her arms round your shoulders saying how proud she was of you.

It was like you had been there from the very beginning, like you weren't taken in by your 'Parents' when you were five. They had adopted you the year after her sister had, had taken her own life. You and Jenifer had just, clicked. You did everything together.

Sighing you slipped into the small black heels you had brought for this occasion the bracelet you wore jingling as you fastened them on. You were nervous, a couple of days ago Morgan had told you that he and one of his friends where talking and he had set you up on a blind date. A horrible nagging feeling had swelled in your chest as you agreed to the date, you wanted to go on the date. You hadn't been on one in forever. The only problem with this date was the mind boggling crush you had on the resident genius Spencer Reid.

It had started when JJ first left for maternity leave. You'd done everything together as children and that trend had followed into adulthood.

"I'll take you to the team" Nodding you followed Hotch to the conference room, JJ had told you about this place and her team when you met up. She spoke highly of all of them, they where like her family. You where just here to fill in her position whilst she was away on maternity leave.

You where so happy for her and Will, he was a great guy and you knew that they'd be excellent parents.

"Everyone meet Agent Jareau, she will be replacing JJ for the time being" You smiled and waved at the five people in the small room. Your attention however was drawn to one man in particular, he seemed younger than everyone else. His coffee brown eyes warmed as he smiled kindly in your direction a long finger moving swiftly to tuck a lock of creamy brown hair behind his ear.

"This is our team, Agents Morgan,Prenitiss and Rossi, Dr Spencer Reid and technical annalist Penelope Garcia." They all waved at you sending kind smiles.

"Its and honor" you said to each of them as you sat in your chair.

Even when Jenifer came back Aaron had agreed to let you remain on the team he said that you where a valuable asset and even Strauss had agreed to let you remain part of the BAU, Jenifer was so excited that you'd finally be able to spend more time together.

"I'm so glad that I can work with you!" You giggled at JJ's elated face, getting a nudge form said person. "What! I am, it's great that we can see each other more often, God Mummy"

"Yeah, it is" Smiling you both laughed and left her office, your eyes immediately drawn to the one desk in the bull pen that wasn't yet empty. Spencer was working on something but he seemed a little distracted. you decided to check up on him, JJ smiled and shook her head walking to the elevator to wait for you.

"You okay?" He looked up at you a small smile on his face. God you loved that smile. It was the epitome of gorgeous. He nodded slowly moving the files out of his way.

"I'm fine, just a little let down that the unsub had to die" You sighed gently, it had been a hard case and in the end the only thing to do was to shoot the unsub a job that Spencer had to do. Running a hand over his shoulder you patted his back.

"There was nothing you could have done" Nodding his smile didn't return " Hey, look why don't you come over tonight, We can watch doctor who re-runs" His face lit up like a child's on Christmas morning.


How could you not love him.

It had been so hard, having to be around him all the time. Not being able to confess your feelings. What made it worse was the fact that Hotch and Rossi had decided that as the two of you worked so well together they would make you partners. Staying with Reid at he police stations when he was brain storming was so distracting, he'd get this look on his face that just made everything else disappear. Unfortunately it didn't take long for Morgan to notice you starring at Spencer all the time.

Feeling a tap on your shoulder you spun round to see Derek with his arms crossed and a smug look on his face. "Pretty boy huh?" You hushed him eyes wide. He just laughed at you leaning on the desk behind him.

"Is it that obvious?" He nodded and you slunk further into your chair. You'd thought your where getting better at hiding it.

"Baby Girl the only person that hasn't noticed is Pretty boy" Huffing you folded your own arms, why couldn't he just see how much you loved him, why did Derek have to notice.

"I love him okay, but I know that he doesn't like me I just want this unrequited love to go away " Chuckling Morgan shook his head.

Breathing out slowly you grabbed your bag and started to head to the restaurant Morgan told you about.

It was nice, not to posh. You'd never been before though and you where beginning to feel a little apprehensive about the the whole blind date. What if this gut was a creep? No Morgan wouldn't do that to you. Running your hand through your hair once more you entered the restaurant.

"A table under Morgan" The man nodded and lead you to your table handing you a menu and taking your drink order. Tapping your foot nervously you heard a familiar voice.

"Y/N?" You spun to see Spencer dressed very handsomely in a black shirt and purple skinny tie.

"S-Spence" you muttered a blush rising to your cheeks, he walked over to the table and sat down.

"Morgan Lied to us" He confirmed, in your head you secretly thanked the agent. Picking up his menu you watched Spencer shuffle nervously.

You sighed, if this was making him uncomfortable you guessed it would be better if you left "Spence if you don't want to do this-"

"No,(Y/N) I do want to do this" Your eyes widened " I've wanted too do this ever since we watched Doctor Who re-runs at your house and I realised that I love you, more then anything in the entire world. I love your smile and your eyes, I love it when you answer the phone when I wake you up and your voice is all groggy, I love the fact that you stand by me no matter what, I love it when you ramble at me and I just listen because your voice is like music, I love you so much it hurts"

Your jaw hung as he spoke, a smile gradually making its way onto your face. Surging forward you lent over the small table and placed a gentle kiss on his lips "I love you too, so much, I can't even begin to put it into words" Hearing a clap from behind you, you both turned to see Morgan and Garcia, big cheesy grins on their faces.

"Way to go pretty boy!"

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