Ben Brockman x Reader Part 2

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A/N: I hope this is okay :)

(Y/N) Giggled to herself as she watched Sue attempt to clean the pig sty that was the Brockman's kitchen counter.

"I just don't understand where all the mess comes from," the blond woman muttered to herself as she grimaced at the rotten banana peel. It has bee  a month after the small homework session (Y/N) and Ben had done and the boy had been avoiding her.

She was scared that she'd done something wrong. Maybe that day she'd offended him during their debate.

"Mum?!" The deep voice of Ben called from the top of the stairs. Sue sighed and put down the black bag she was holding and turned to (Y/N).

"Do you mind seeing what he wants?" The girl shook her head and raised from her seat at the dining table leaving the book she had been reading there.

Ben had obviously retreated back into his room as he was no longer at the top of the stairs. (Y/N) it was probably something homework based so she wouldn't have to tell Sue about it, and she'd also be able to confront Ben about avoiding her.

"Hey Aunt Sue sent me to see what you want?" The curly haired teens head snapped up at the sound of her voice and a rosy blush covered his cheeks.

"U-uh its nothing I got it now false alarm!" (Y/N) frowned.

Well that was obviously a lie.

"Have I done something to offend you?" Her voice was soft as she watched him curiously. The boys blush spread as he slowly shook his head. "Then why are you avoiding me?"

Ben lowered his head and let his hands rest in his lap.

"The truth is I sorta have a small teeny tiny crush...on you," he looked up waiting for her to start laughing or even shout at him. What he didn't expect however was for her to blurt out that she liked him too. Which of course was exactly what she did.

"Y-you do?" Slowly she lent forward and pressed a light kiss to his cheek .

"I do." He chuckled a deep chuckle that made her smile.

"So are we like dating now?"

"I suppose."


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