Chapter 46

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Of all the things Kol knew about Nora, the actual memory of her first death was one his wife always refused to show him. He knew, of course, what happened and remembered all too well the nightmares that haunted Nora at the beginning of her time travel. Even without the memory, Kol used to picture the scene in his head and had always thought he was ready for it.

Yet, the truth was... He had been wrong. So damn wrong. He wasn't ready at all.

The vampire holding Nora in a too strong grip for a human had sunk his teeth deep into her fragile neck, her delicate skin torn and stained in blood. The man - beast - was groaning, lost in his pleasure and all but rubbing his disgusting self against her backside while one of his hands fondled her breasts.

The snarl that tore out of Kol's throat was loud, instinctive, and a pure echo of his rage. How dare that lowlife touch his wife?!

The angry sound broke through the silence of the night, causing the other vampire to freeze. He stopped feeding on Nora, his beady dark eyes looking all around him, searching for any signs of a threat. Still, his hold on Nora didn't loosen until she started struggling. He slapped her hard, the crack of her jawbone breaking filling Kol's ears just as Nora fell to the ground like a puppet with her strings cut off.

Kol snarled again, his chest rumbling and black cobwebs appearing underneath his eyes. His human appearance disappeared and the vampire took over, his face distorted by rage and bloodlust and the strong desire to see that wretched creature crumbling in front of him. Since the man wasn't holding Nora anymore, Kol didn't hesitate to vamp-speed to him, violently throwing him into a tree. The trunk cracked and the vampire wiped the blood off his lips with his thumb, groaning half in pain and half in anger.

Not that Kol cared about that lowlife's feelings. Not letting the man stand up, Kol threw himself at him, one of his hands punching through the man's stomach and pulling out his innards while the other one crushed his arms before tearing the limp member.

Soon, the vampire was screaming and begging and the smell of urine permeated the air.

"Who told you to kill her?" Kol questioned the man harshly, his eyes staring down at him with contempt and hatred.

"N-no one!"

"Who?!" Kol repeated before proceeding to remove the other arm, warm blood spurting from the wound and splashing Kol's face.

"No one! I swear!" The vampire sobbed as he was reduced to nothing in Kol's hands.

To be sure, Kol compelled him to answer his question, only to hear the exact same thing.

"Of all the people in the world, you just had to touch her. What should I do with you? An easy death would be far too kind for the disgusting beast that you are."


Kol snorted. The vampire's stomach was already healing from Kol's punch. The bastard wasn't young and had certainly not been thirsty. All he wanted was to play with his food. Well, since this was the case, Kol would help him.

"Go find some hole to crawl into and eat yourself slowly," Kol compelled him with a cold smirk. "Don't let someone see you. And stake yourself in three days."

Once he was done speaking, he dropped the vampire to the ground and spat on him, not forgetting to step on his groin.

"You should start with that. It's not like you need it."

Kol turned away and ran into the forest, trying to find Nora. Because she was human, her scent was different from what he was used to and it took him a bit longer to find her. When he finally did, there was already a branch poking out of her stomach. Her heartbeat was slow, almost nonexistent, and the fear Kol had been repressing ever since he left his siblings surged up.

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