Interlude - Nora and the human

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Meeting a human Kol had never been something Nora had given much thought over the last hundred something years she spent travelling through time. It wasn't that she hadn't been curious about his past though, far from it actually. After getting over the whole vampire/hearts out of chests/dead bodies all around her/Kol knowing her/time travelling thing - yeah, the first months had been hell - she had asked a lot of questions. Like, why are you not burning when it's so sunny I would whore myself for a pair of sunglasses? He cackled like a mad man before telling her he would kill any men daring to touch her. Are all vampires handsome? He was proud as a peacock and assured her he was the most handsome one, which was kind of true. Do you poop? Yeah. It still made her cringe to remember that one. Can you turn into a bat? Or into a cow, because I'm kind of fond of them, what with their soft eyes and dark spots? The memory of the look he gave her when she asked him that particular question was one of the many she would cherish until the very end.

Anyway, Kol had told her very little about his human days. Back then, she had assumed it was because he didn't like to remember it.

And now she was staring naked into the eyes of a younger, very human - speaking some weird language - and very shy Kol. She could deal with human Kol. Sure, he had just rejected her when all she needed was comfort after dying once again - which ineluctably resulted into her bursting into flames and time-travelling -, but human Kol didn't know her. Which was weird because for as long as she could remember, Kol had always known her. But still, he didn't know her. For once, she was the older one, the one with the knowledge, and honestly, it felt kind of good.

However, what she couldn't deal with, was a shy Kol. After a hundred years by his side, spent in several different centuries, you would think she knew Kol. And she did. Well, vampire Kol. And shyness and Kol were two things completely opposite. And a shy Kol was just too cute. And fuck, was it a blush on his face? And now she definitely felt like a cradle robber. Great. Just. Great.


Vampire Kol had spoilt her. And human Kol, although he was trying to teach her how to survive on her own, was spoiling her too. She missed her Kol like crazy. It felt like a gap inside her heart. Of course, human Kol was there, but it was different. He didn't trust her. She couldn't take him into her arms like she wanted to. He didn't look at her like her vampire lover did.

Still, human Kol was taking care of her. He didn't understand her. They spoke different languages. But he was still taking care of her. Human Kol might be different from vampire Kol, like she was different from the woman she used to be all those years ago, but he was still Kol. No matter the time she was in, no matter his species, Kol was Kol. And just for that, she couldn't help but love him even more than before. No matter what, Kol was home.


Kol loved magic. She had always known that. Seeing him actually do magic though, was a completely new experience. The smile adorning his face then looked a bit like the one had after drinking blood. Just... more peaceful, somehow. Lighter.

Kol also loved his siblings. He had always done so, but human Kol loved them and trusted them more than anyone else in the world. It made her heart bleed for him when she knew Henrik would die and the rest of them... Well, the less she heard of them, the better she was. Kol had never wanted her to meet them - vampire Kol wouldn't trust Klaus and Elijah with one of his oldest and dirtiest sock - but she had seen them from afar. Kol was always sad after that. She hated them. Really, really, hated them. They could rot in hell for all she cared. She would only use them to cook her lunch if they were on fire.


She missed French fries.

She really, completely, totally, definitely, missed French fries.

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