Chapter 32

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Soon after the ceremony, people came to congratulate the newlyweds, forming a tight circle around Kol and Nora. Only Rebekah stayed away from them, watching them from afar instead, a tinge of sorrow emanating from her lonely figure.

Casting a glance in her direction, Kol met her gaze and his grin slowly faded. No matter what, Rebekah was still his dear little sister and it was hard for him to see her so forlorn.

Nora followed his gaze and noticed Rebekah. "Oh...Shall we go, husband?"

Kol really loved hearing her call him husband, his grin coming back to life. Grasping her hand, he excused them to their guests and they took their leave, breaking the circle of people to cross the distance separating them from Rebekah.

"Sister-in-law," Nora greeted the blond vampire confidently, extending the hand which was now adorned with a wedding band, "I forgot to introduce myself before. Nora Mikaelson, nice to meet you."

Rebekah watched the hand uncertainly before finally taking it, the handshake brief but firm. A flicker of a smile appeared on her face. "Rebekah Mikaelson, this gentleman's sister."

Amused, Nora raised a brow and nudged Kol.

"You hear that husband? She called you a gentleman. Could she be someone else's sister and I made a mistake?"

He reached out and carefully pinched the tip of her nose, responding fondly, "Be nice, wife." He glanced at his sister. "So, finally convinced my wife is not compelled?"

Although his words could be considered a slap in Rebekah's face, there was no anger or bitterness in his voice. On the contrary, in his tone lay a hint of joy and teasing. Once again, he wouldn't let anything ruin the day.

Rebekah obviously understood his intentions and quickly said, "Yes, Kol, I'm convinced. My sister-in-law is completely smitten with you. Nora, I entrust this idiot to you."

Nora waggled her eyebrows and brought her hand up to do a salute. A pity only Kol here knew what it meant, the military greeting being a thing of the future.

"Yes, ma'am! No need to worry. I will protect what is left of Kol's virtue even if I have to die."

"Oh, you don't need to risk your life," Rebekah replied, her voice astonishingly warm. "He's perfectly able to protect himself."

Wrapping one arm around Nora's waist, Kol extended the other to flick his sister's forehead. "Can't you two spare me? Two against one is unfair. And just so you know Bekah, Nora is my wife. Don't even think of stealing her."

"Why not?" Nora teased him, "She's your sister so she's rather beautiful."

"Yes well, I don't share, darling."

"My gods, this is probably the truest words you've ever said in your life," Rebekah interjected with a drawl. "When we were kids, he once came home with a knife and refused to let anyone touch it. He even cried for days when he lost it in the lake a few months later. Elijah and Nik made fun of him for years after that."

Nora looked at him, surprised. "This knife meant so much to you?"

"No, it was just some trinket," Kol replied with a shrug, "I can't even remember who I get it from."

After hearing his answer, a loud laugh escaped Nora, the sound ringing out throughout the garden. As it wasn't an unusual behavior on her part, none of the guests were surprised. Rebekah however, started, her eyes going wide, probably not understanding what was so funny that a woman would forget her composure in public. Still, there was no mistaking the slight twinkle in her eyes. Whether she wanted or not, his wife did amuse his sister.

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