Chapter 20

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1114, Kingdom of Italy

The cart bounced on the bumpy road and a few strands of straw landed on Nora's sleeping face. She scrunched up her nose before burying her face into Kol's clothes, her arms around him. They were both lying on the straw at the back of the cart, though Kol wasn't sleeping.

Carefully, with slow movements so she wouldn't wake up, Kol removed the straw from the red hair. It failed though. Without even bothering to open one eye, she grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. Grinning, he brought it to his lips to kiss the joined knuckles.

At the same time, the old man farmer who had agreed to let them travel with him, said, "we will soon arrive. Do you need a place to sleep? My son-in-law and my daughter should be able to house you."

"Thank you old man but it is not necessary," Kol refused politely. "My family lives not far from there."

Not that he was going to live with them.

"Good, good," the man said. "It is a bad time to stay outside after dark."

"Oh?" Nora lifted her head up and squinted. "Why is that so, sir?"

The man sighed, "ah young lady, this is a sordid story, I wouldn't want to dirty your ears."

She rolled her eyes, unwilling to act like a shy and scared young woman. Especially when the only thing young about her was her appearance. And even then, most women her physical age were already married with children.

Kol and Nora's eyes met and they shared a smirk. After eighty years of living together, words were often unnecessary.

"Just tell her old man or she won't stop asking," Kol snorted.

A hoarse laugh shook the impressive stature of the farmer. After a few minutes, he managed to calm down and finally replied, his voice turning dark, "There are rumors of evil creatures roaming the street at night, looking for fresh blood. The work of the Devil, without doubt."

With that said, he leaned towards the road and spat on the ground.

"No matter the time, men will always be llamas," Nora muttered, her voice not loud enough for their driver to hear her.

Kol pinched her nose, "What can I say? Some things are eternal." He then raised his voice, "Don't worry old man, we will be careful."

What the hell had his siblings been doing? He might have killed lots of people, but at least he hadn't turned them into rabid vampires.

The old man dropped them at the village in which his daughter and her husband were living and left, though not before warning them once more to be careful. Without a word, Kol brushed the straw off Nora's dress and straightened up her clothes as she did the same for him.

Their journey of one month would end in a few hours. After travelling all the way from their house in South Asia, he was looking forward to see his siblings again. They had last seen each other a bit less than one year ago for Christmas and it was time they met again. Last time, he had only stayed for a few days, unwilling to let Nora alone for too long. However, seeing her guilty face when he came back made him question his decision. Now, he could admit, at least in the privacy of his mind, that he was also to blame for the distance between his siblings and him. Though their 'Always and Forever' vow still left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Nik's message said Finn would be the one to come for him. Before that though, he needed to find a house for Nora and him to live in.

With that thought in mind, he stepped forward before looking back, smirking.

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