Chapter 60

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Warning: Discussion involving mental health (Finn happened). Also, there are two chapters updated today so make sure you read CHAPTER 59 BEFORE this one.


Lying dead in a box for nine centuries didn't prepare Finn for the modern world. Although he dressed the part, it was all too easy for Kol to notice his brother's discomfort. It was in the way he shifted every now and then due to the tightness of the clothes. Or how his gaze kept sweeping over Sage's shorted hair in not dislike per se but something close to bewilderment. Not exactly that, but close enough. Or simply the far too many times his hand would each for his own hair only to realize mid-hair it had also been shortened and wasn't tied at the base of his neck anymore.

Finn spoke English well but would sometimes take a bit longer to voice his thoughts. Holding Sage's hand was fine but anything closer outside the privacy of a home was out of the question.

As they sat on the steps at night, Sage bumped their shoulders together. Kol studied his eldest brother and approached him carefully like one would a wounded animal. There were so many things he wanted to tell him and yet a part of his mind felt strangely blank at the time. The other part was focused on listening to Nora and his siblings walking around the house.

"Finn?" A hesitant expression took place on his face.

"I feel tired, Kol," Finn said quietly and disheartened as an answer to his silent question. "Tired, sad, and... betrayed, I guess. I shouldn't be as, to be honest, I have never been much of a brother to you all, always keeping my distance. And yet... I cannot help but be overwhelmed by those... feelings.... I'm probably not worth much in their eyes."

Kol looked at Finn's wistful smile and Sage's tight grip on his hand. Heaving a sigh, he sat next to the other original vampire. "Why should their opinion matter, Finn? Elijah, Niklaus, and Rebekah... They are their own persons. They are entitled to their own thoughts and lives Just as you are too. Sometimes, families grow apart and it's sad. Heartbreaking, even, for a while. However... It doesn't make you a bad person. Nor does it make you worthless. It only means you have different expectations for your life. What Nik did was wrong, Finn. He had no right to treat you like that and take your choices away."

"Your life belongs to you, Finn. Only you can decide how you want to live it," Sage added in a soft yet firm voice, leaning her face on Finn's shoulder. Her husband stilled for a beat, reminding them how the older man spent centuries with only his own mind for company. Simple actions like a light touch had long since become foreign notions. Still, he didn't push her away from his tense body and she didn't move away either, content to rest her cheek there and share his pain and sadness.

"What if I want to die?" Finn countered sarcastically. The bite of his tone did nothing to deter Sage who only took a moment to ponder on her answer. When she spoke up, it was still with the same soft and firm voice. "Then I will respect your choices and help you end your life peacefully. All I ask before that is nine years. One for each century we spent apart."

Finn's shoulders slumped upon hearing this and he let out a weary sigh. "Unless you no longer desire the position, you are my wife, Sage. My life isn't only my own. I have you to consider."

Witnessing the couple's discussion made Kol feeling like a robber. Yet he couldn't leave as there was still so much they had to discuss. Things that needed to be said and heard.

"I won't rob you of your choices, Finn. You finally got some control back after so long. How could I take it away from you?"

Finn allowed himself to enjoy the embrace and carefully rested the side of his face atop the vampire's soft red hair. His gaze fell on the fire, understanding briefly flashing across his face. Seeing this, Kol's lips twitched.

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