Chapter 29

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"So, one of my ancestors was actually some kind of power-hungry monster who had a child with a human?" Nora asked with her brow furrowed in puzzlement, her fingers taping on the table of the coffee shop in which they were sitting.

The truth about the origin of Nora's power wasn't something that could be told out loud. Or even written on a piece of paper. As such, Kol chose the easiest solution - speaking with Nora inside her mind. Currently, they were inside a small coffee shop of Charlotte, the home town of Nora. Even though it was impossible for them to drink anything, the place was quite a feast for Kol's eyes. Especially the view outside. Nora's original time was so different and colorful.

Glancing away from the window, Kol looked at Nora and nodded, "Hard to believe that the legends about phoenixes have such an origin, isn't it?"

His comment that was said with the most innocuous smile earned him a frown from Nora. She pursed her lips and tapped harder on the table.

"What is it?" He smirked knowingly.

"Does it mean that some of my ancestors actually laid eggs?" she eventually grumbled, disgruntled, one hand going to rest on her stomach. However, before he could say anything, she shook her head and shuddered. "Forget it, I don't want to know."

After hearing this, he couldn't help but chuckle and leaned over the table to flick her forehead. "Don't worry darling, I would want you even if you were a bird."

Nora looked at him strangely, her nose scrunched up and her lips pursed. "That' disturbing honey. I didn't know you swung that way."

His expression instantly darkened. "What do you mean? You wouldn't want me if I was an animal?"

Her response was very quick. "Of course not! I mean, a platonic love, yeah sure, but to want you? Sorry but no, honey. I'm not into animal."

He went over the conversation trying to understand where it went wrong. Then, realizing what exactly Nora meant, he felt his whole face heat up and he awkwardly rubbed the back of neck. "That's what I meant too," he grumbled, fully ware of the blush on his cheeks, "what do you want me to do with a bird?"

"Then you should have been clearer, Kol," Nora teased him unrelentingly, her eyes sparkling in amusement. She put her elbow on the table and rested her cheek on the palm of her hand before telling him seriously, "Anyway, am I right to think that the reason I can travel so far back in time is because I'm bound to you? No matter the time, as long as you're already born, it's fine?"

"Most likely," he responded before he quickly stood up, reaching out, "let's take a walk outside."

"What? Already?" she merely grinned lazily, not moving at all even though there was a hint of fondness in her voice. "Is the coffee shop not to your taste? Should we use another memory? What about my high school?"

Nora had once shown him the so-called high school in which she studied as a teenager. It was really impressive to think that some days in the future, women and poor people would obtain the right to an education. However, he couldn't suppress the feeling that the school building and the railings around it looked like some kind of futuristic prison.

He put his hands on the table and slightly bent forward, leaning closer to her face until he could feel her breath on his lips. He blinked, his eyes suddenly wet with unshed tears and his face contorted in a tragic grimace.

"Nora, my love, could it be that this curse of mine have made me ugly?"

Nora smiled at him, seemingly not bothered by his act. "Not at all. You're still as handsome as ever."

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