Interlude 2 - To bite off more than one can chew

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Movements next to her woke up Nora and she rolled over to the now vacant place, Kol's scent immediately engulfing her. She took in a deep breath and sighed before opening her eyes and meeting Kol's tender gaze. He was standing beside the bed, slightly bent over as he put on his trousers.

What a beautiful sight to wake up to.

Although her body felt particularly heavy, Nora lifted her arm out of the thin blanket to trace with her fingers the skin under his right eye, then moved up to his forehead to tuck a wild lock of hair behind his ear.

"Morning honey," she murmured sleepily.

Kol caught her hand and kissed the tips of her fingers. "More like afternoon darling."

"... Already?"

Looking at the huge doorway overlooking the inner courtyard and the gap between the door and the floor, the sunlight did look too bright for it to be morning.

"Looks like I tired you a bit too much yesterday."

"...That you did," she replied between two yawns.

Even after sleeping for more than eight hours hours, her arms and thighs were still aching. Not that she minded though. She loved training with her sword, one Kol forged for her himself. A witch had also put a spell on the blade to make sure it would never get dull. The sword was worth several cities.

Because of Kol's busy schedule, they could only train at night nowadays. Not that Kol actually needed training, his strength alone could break any blade. However, Nora didn't have his vampire strength and speed and the mere idea of being a damsel in distress left a bitter taste in her mouth. As such, she could only train and train, always honing her swordsmanship.

"I need to go, love. I was supposed to be at my siblings' house one hour ago already and Finn is still waiting for me to leave."

Upon hearing this, a grimace distorted Nora's features. From what she knew, Elijah and Klaus never lost an occasion to scold Kol or mock Finn. "Don't let them bully you."

Kol's face split into wide, open grin. "Yes ma'am," he said with a gleam in his eye. "Now, go back to sleep. I'll fill the tub and ask Sófi to keep the water warm."

She closed her eyes obediently, though not before commenting, "I love that witch."

"Oh? Why do I remember you wanted to kill her less than a week ago? Is this the first sign of dementia? Should I be concerned? You're not that young anymore after all... Ah, what to do, darling?"

"Shh, it's in the past. I'm a virtuous woman now."

Kol let out a snort, kissed her forehead and left the room. She didn't go back to sleep though. Instead, she lay on her back, eyes fixed on the ceiling as her thoughts began to wander.

Ever since Kol told her about Rebekah's future in-laws, she couldn't help being on edge and worried every time Kol went to his siblings' place. A nagging voice in the back of her mind kept telling her to grab Kol and left - with Sage and Finn if possible.

Unfortunately, Rebekah's future wedding made it impossible. Although, whether or not she would notice the absence of her brothers was questionable.

When Kol came back to fill the tub and saw her awake, he shook his head and walked to the bed to kiss her. The warm feeling of his lips spread through her whole body and her hands wasted no time to take hold of his collar to deepen the kiss. As she pulled him closer, Kol let himself fall on top of her, one arm going around her back to press her against his chest and one hand snaking his way along her legs. Soon, the curious fingers disappeared under her nightgown and gripped her thigh.

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