Ben's Love Potion

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Again, I was with Fairy Godmother as she taught Remedial Goodness. I sat in my usual desk that was off to the side of the chalk board. I had my feet propped up and was signing a shit ton of paper work, that I had received just this morning.

I felt a set of eyes on me and, as expected, it was Carlos. Once we made eye contact he winked at me, making me blush and chuckle to myself. I looked back down to hide my flushed cheeks, a light chuckle also came from him. I looked up to see he was back to taking note, which were required by Fairy Godmother to pass the class. 

My phone started to ring and I quickly picked it up. " Hello, Bellarose speaking." I say not looking up from my paperwork.

" Bonjour, Bellarose, c'est Lumière." Lumière said through the phone. ( Translations will be in bold italics.)
Hello, Bellarose, it's Lumière.

" Allô, Lumière, comment vas-tu?" I ask with a smile on my face. Lumière and I have always talked to each other in French, since he was the one that taught me.
Hello, Lumière, how are you?

" Je suis très bon , merci d'avoir demandè. Je vous demande simplement si vous avez reçu tous vos documents que je vous ont envoyè ce matin?" Lumière asked.
I am very good, thanks for asking. I'm just asking if you have received all of your documents that I sent you this morning?

" Oui ça l'a fait. Aussi, pendant que je vous ai au téléphone, pouvez-vous m'envoyer mes mesures pour ma robe? J'ai trouvé quelqu'un de nouveau et je veux faire ma robe?" I ask making a quick glance at Evie.
Yes it did. Also, while I have you on the phone, can you send me my measurements for my dress? I found someone new and I want to make my dress

" Bien sûr, Bellarose! Je vous l'enverrai dès que possible." Lumière said enthusiastically.
Of course, Bellarose! I will send it to you as soon as possible

" Génial! Merci, Lumière. Au revoir." I say.
Awesome! Thank you, Lumière. Goodbye

" Au revoir." Lumière chuckled then hanging up the phone. I then put the phone down and went back to signing the file of documents. The bell rang and I didn't even bother to get up, I was flow of reading and signing.

" Hey, Bells?" Evie asked.

" Yes?" I ask, quickly glancing up and giving them all a smile.

" You wanna join us for lunch?" Mal asked picking up one of the papers and reading it.

" As much as I'd love to..." I start, taking the paper out of Mal's hands and putting back in the finished pile. " I need to finish signing all these documents from this file, then I need to head back to my dorm to finish the other seven files of documents. Sorry, guys, maybe next time."

" Alright, see you later?" Jay asked.

" Of course." I say giving them another smile. They all started to leave but remembered I had to ask Evie something. " Oh, wait! Evie!" I say catching her attention, as well as the other's. " I'm wondering if you would like to design and make my coronation dress?"

" Really?" She asked shocked.

" Of course, as long as your up for it." I say.

" I am totally up for it." She squealed.

" Great, I'll send you my measurements as soon as Lumière sends them to me." I say. She squealed again and came around the desk hugging me, I chuckled and hugged her back for a second.

She then walked back to the group and they started to leave. " You guys can go ahead, I'm gonna stay here with Bells." Carlos says.

" Okay, have fun with your girlfriend." Jay teased. I chuckled lightly and shook my head at his brotherly manner.

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