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Carlos POV

I sat on the couch that faced the TV, flipping through channels. I ineviatably shut off the TV when nothing caught my attention. I let out a sigh annd tossed the remote to the side. I rotate my body and leaned against the backseat of the couch, watching over Bella. She's been out since yesterday's afternoon. I almost woke her up when Ben contacted me about a meeting but he followed up that it wasn't a manditory and her rest was more important.

She lays on her side and the comforter rises and falls as she breathes. It puts me at ease seeing her sleep so peacefully even after yesterday's event. She shuffles in her spot and rubs her eyes. I quickly get by her side, kneeling in front of her. " Hi," I say gently as her eyes flutter open.

" Hey," she grumbles while hiding her eyes from the brightness of room by shoving her face into her pillow. " What time is it?"

I look over to the alarm clock on her bedside table, " It's half past noon." I answer. " How are you feelinng?"

She looks to me giving me a small sweet smile, " Pretty okay."

" Do you need anything?"

She slowly shook her head, " No." Her eyebrow come together concerned and she quickly sits up.

" What, what wrong?"

" Jane's Birthday! That's today!" She said while throwing the covers off her body and running to the closet. " We're gonna be late!" She threw me a new change of clothes and ripped a dress off the hanger.


I stood in Evie's sewing room and spill all the detail of the meeting this morning, " Who else knows about the crow and the scepter?" Evie asks.

" No one," I say with a breathy chuckle. " I mean, think about it, people are scared enough as it is. We have to employ these entirely new security measures."

" Will this delay our bringing over of more VKs?"

" We're talking about closing the barrier for good," I admit.

" But you said no," Evie guessed, I stayed silent. " I mean, the four of us are living the dream here, and we finally get to share that. I mean, what could be more important than that?"

" Yeah... I know," I take in a deep breath as I sat down. " I mean, maybe security or maybe peace of mind for everyone in Auradon," I suggest.

" Is that what they're thinking?" Evie inquires, " Annd are they seriously thinking that no one will go in or out of the Isle ever again? And what, we never get to go back and see out parents? And what about these kids? We promised them that they could go back and visit whenever they wanted."

" Yeah, I know," I say quietly.

Evie walks over taking my hand in hers, " M, I am so glad that you are going to be Queen. You will be a part of these conversations, you will stand up for the VKs." I give her a small, tight-lipped smile. " Thannk you for telling me." She leans in and give me a hug. " You're gonna be a great Queen. Now, let's get things together for Jane's birthday."

As Evie started to leave I stood up quickly, " Evie," I say getting her attention. " Don't tell Bella or Carlos about any of this. They were not a part of the conversation."

" What? Why?" Evie asked her eyebrows knitted together by confusion.

" They said she needed her rest and for Carlos to monitor her," I say bluntly. They also said she was too biased towards the Isle.

" Oh, okay, just be sure to tell her when you get the chance," Evie stated. I smiled and nodded.

Bellarose POV

Light in the Dark - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now