Magic Wand

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Bellarose POV

I walked back to the lobby smiling from ear to ear. " That is a pathetic performance," Audrey spat to me.

" Can you do better?" I say in a 'matter of fact' tone. She smirked and nodded, " Not just by "being better" but by putting in the effort I did. As in the organizing, planning, choreographing, not just vocal practice."

She sucked in a breath and huffed. She turned to Ben with a faux smile, " I have a dress fitting for coronation. I see you later Bennyboo." On her way out she made sure to step on my foot with the heel of her shoe.

A squeak came out of my mouth but I brought my fist up to my mouth and bit onto my finger, holding back all the profanities that want to come out. " Okay so where were we?" I ask to Ben and the group as the pain became a low sting.

" The schedules." Ben said. I nod and wave over Doug.

" Doug! Doug, come down." I say. Doug comes down with their schedules and dorm numbers. " This is Doug. We gonna help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms." 

" I'll see you later, okay?" He says to Mal. " And if there is anything you need feel free to ask me, Bella, or Doug." he then walks off to do some coronation prep, that I would go over later.

" Hi guys, I'm Dopey's son? As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy.." He then notices Evie. " Heigh-ho"

Evie then walks closer to start to flirt with him. " Evie. Evil Queen's daughter." Doug was in a daze to I smack his shoulder to get him to concentrate.

" Okay. So about your classes. Bellarose and I put in the requirements already. History of Woodsmen and Pirates, Safety Rules for the Internet, and Remedial Goodness 101." Doug lists. He starts to get nervous when Mal comes around too look over his shoulder. I walk over and put my arms around Jay and Carlos' shoulders.

" You can see he doesn't really talk to girls much." I state and get a laugh out of the two boys. I then hit Jay in the chest to get his attention. " You should give him some tips." I joke.

" Let me guess, new class?" Doug nods at Mal's question. " Come on, guys, let's go find our dorms." Mal said and they all followed her up the stairs. I then run over to Doug to look at his clip board, and I notice they are going the wrong way.

" Oh, guys! You dorms are that way." I say pointing to the other stair case. " I'll just take you"

I walk up the other staircase with the VKs following me. " So Bellarose, that was quite the show you put on back there." Mal says. I turn to start walking backwards.

" Yeah it was awesome" Carlos added. I smiled.

" Thanks, and please call me anything else other than Bellarose because that's too formal for my liking, and definitely not Rosie because that one sounds to girly to me." I say to them, they all nod taking note.

" So I assume you don't like the princess standards?, expectations?, code?, whatever you call it." Mal asks and I laugh a bit.   

" Yeah no. If I follow those standards, I have no freedom. If I follow them I couldn't ride my motorbike or play tourney." I say.

" So Bells," Evie says getting my attention. " You're going to be Queen?"

" Yeah. I kinda excited because I can take down the barrier." They all look at me like I had three heads. " What? I just don't think it is fair when someone from Auradon does something bad it is taken as an error in judgement, while if someone from the Isle does the exact same thing they would get booted back to the island. But bring you guys here...It's a start."

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