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Bellarose POV

I looked up to my clock and swordsman practice ended about 10 minutes ago and I was just waiting on Carlos. I wanted to talk to him because he deserved a proper apology. I made him worry about me and I'm not even sure if Mal passed my message on. There was a knock at my door, I opened it and there he was. " Hey," I greet with a smile.

"Hi, Bells." Carlos said reflecting my smile. I stepped to the side and letting him in. " So what do you wanna talk about?"

I sigh and shut the door, " I'm sorry. I'm sorry for taking the place of Ben back on the Isle. I know I made you worry. I'm sorry for making you go through all the trouble of coming back here to make a wand and back to the Isle. Also I'm sor-" My constant apologies were cut off by Carlos' lips meeting mine. I smiled a bit and kissed him back. He had one hand on my jaw and the other on my waist, mine were both placed on his shoulder.

He pulled away keeping our foreheads resting against each other. " Stop apologizing. I get why you did and it's okay. You had to protect your family, I can't say I wouldn't do the same. And for the 'trouble' I went through to get you back. Think nothing of it, I'd do that over and over again if it meant I get you in the end." I let of a breathy chuckle and go on my toes to peck his lips. " Oh, and one more thing..." I looked up to him with anticipation on what he was gonna say. " You passed a message on through Mal, did you mean it?" He stared into my eyes with hope.

" Every letter." I say with a wide grin. One of the biggest smiles I've seen on him graced his face.

" Well in that case..." He started then tackling onto my bed. " I-" He kissed all over the right side my face. " Love you-" Now kissing all over the left side. " Too." He said then kissing my lips passionately. I hum happily and lace my fingers through his hair. He then pull back but I lifted myself peck his lips a few more time before I couldn't and had to lay back down. " And there you go, messing up my hair again." I giggled at his teasing and pulled him back.

Evie the barged into my room with a black bag of my dress draped over her shoulder and a bag of what she deemed as a 'necessity' on getting me ready. " All right! B! Time to start getting you rea-" She stopped when she turned and the three of us made some uncomfortable eye contact. " Do you need me to come back later? But a really soon later."

" No, no." Carlos said getting off me. " Evie, she is all yours." He then took my hands and pulled me up. " I'll see you at cotillion?" I bit my lip, trying to minimize my smile, ad nodded. " Good, I love you."

I giggle and give a quick look down to his lips. " I love you too." I say then pecking him on the lip. And with that he left the room and across the hall to his.

" Finally," Evie sighed. " You both said it. We've been waiting."

" Wha-?" I say shocked.

" Carlos was asking around on how to tell you. And I could just tell by the look in your eyes when you are with him." Evie said while pulling things out of her bag. " Alright, let's work on you." She said forcing me to sit in chair in front of her.

Carlos POV

I waited below deck in a room across from Mal. Waiting for the guard to come get us for our entrance. Bella and Ben were on the another end of the hall in separate rooms themselves. I waited anxiously while sitting on the edge of the bed. Just for some company I went to go to Mal's room but there was knock on the door. I opened it and there was a guard standing before me. " It's time, sir." the guard said in a formal tone.

I nodded and took my jacket off the chair and throwing it on. Just as I stepped out Mal opened her door and stood beside me. " You look great." I whisper to her, getting her to crack a smile.

Light in the Dark - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now