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My program...gone.

Any hope for improvemet on the Isle...gone.

The barrier is going to be closed forever and I didn't get a say in any of it.

There was another bright flash and my visioned returned. I continued to sob into Evie shoulder as, what was no doubt likely, my biggest accomplishment was just ripped away from me by some of the people I trusted most. Carlos had rubbed my back and he tried to find comforting words to say, but saying 'it's going to be okay' would be a huge lie. It's won't be okay, ever. All the people on the Isle are going be stuck under the dark cloud of misery and shitty living conditions.

" Bella-" Ben said starting to approach me.

Pull away from Evie and stepped away from Ben. " No," I say through my tears.

" Bella-" He tried again but I stepped away again.

" No, Ben. You're lucky I'm even acknowledging you right now. I can't believe you right now. Why didn't you tell me?" I ask with tears down my cheeks. " I'm the Queen of Auradon. I'm supposed to be involv-- no, I am required to be involved in these decisions. You all left me and Carlos out of this because we are dedicated to the people of the Isle, they're people of Auradon too. You know that, Ben."

" I'm sorry, Bella. It's just-"

" Stop, Ben." I told him. Looking at him all I could see was someone who betrayed the Isle." I'm leaving. I can't stand the sight of you." I turned to walk away but Ben tried to come after me. With a flash, I was back in mine and Carlos' room. That's when it all came crashing down harder than before. I collapsed to the floor, holding my head in my hands, as sobs ripped from my throat.


The crying subsided but was replaced with this empty and numb feeling. My entire purpose has been stolen from me. Nothing I've done mattered anymore. All the change I've created ended up being worthless in the end. I sat on floor against the foot of the bed, staring off into nothing as my thoughts occupied my mind.

The door creaked open, getting enough of my attention to glance over. " Sorry for leaving you to walk back," I say, my tone blank and my voice monotone. My head slowly turned to look forward into the wall again.

" It's okay, I understand," He said. He came over sitting down next to me. We sat in a silence as there was nothing to say. " Thought I mention this to you. Mal defeated Audrey with the ember and Uma." I hummed nodding my head. " Audrey's back to normal but isn't looking too good."

I sigh and tilt my head back, hitting the wooden bed frame. " Damn it," I whisper. Carlos nods and take my hand in his. A small form of comfort we can get from each other in this moment. " Where are they? I'll go see if there's anything I can do."  

" They took her back to the dorm," Carlos informed. I nodded and got up from the place I planted myself for the past hour.


" She's slipping away," Evie's voice said sadly as Carlos and I stepped into the room. Ben and Mal both adverted their eyes from me and Carlos.

I rolled my eyes that them. " How bad is it?" I ask Evie.

" I don't think she'll make to the morning," she stated.

" You've informed her family?" Evie nods her head. " Good." I walk towards Audrey and stepping in front of Mal. I hovered my glowing hands over her body and I could feel her weakness. Her heart was beating so slowly and her lungs barely took in air. I purse my lips as I pull away. She just needs more strength.

I place my hand over my chest, pulling energy out of myself. Once a golden orb formed I brought it to hover over Audrey's heart and transferred it over. Strengthing what was weak. " What did you just do?" Uma asked.

" Gave her till mid-day tomorrow," I said walking away rubbing the palm of my hand. " Her family won't make it here before morning. I gave them time to say their goodbyes."

The sad mood of the room got depressed even more as the reality of Audrey's situation hit harder. " There's only one person in the world who might be able to do something about this," Mal spoke up getting everyone to look at her. " And that's Hades"

" Hades?" Ben questioned. " He wouldn't do it. I wouldn't risk it."

" Actually, he might do it for me. He's my father," Mal said, dropping a bomb on everybody in the room. My eyebrows slightly raised with shock, I look around the room to see Jay and Carlos' also surprised looks.

Ben took a deep breath and adjusted himself. " Okay. Well, then I'll have to send guards to get him."

" Maybe I can hitch a ride," Uma said. " The Isle is my home. Someone needs to be there to protected." She and I make eye contact, with a small smile, I give her an approving nod.

Harry stood up from the couch and stood behind Uma with his hands on her shoulder. " Well, then, you will need your first mate."

" The Isle will be in very good hands," I comment, Uma and Harry both smile my direction.

" Can I go too?" Celia spoke up. " I wish I could be in both places."

Mal stood up and look to Uma. " I think Evie was right. And... I do think we could've been friends. I'm really sorry that I lied to you guys. You deserve so much better than that."

" You were just trying to do the right thing," Jay says, Uma quietly agreeing.

Evie stood up from her chair beside Audrey. " I get it," Evie said. Mal look at me waiting for my input. 

" I'll make the arrangements," I say then leaving the room.


Everyone had left Audrey's room, one staying with her at time. The transportation with Uma, Harry, and Celia left about half hour ago heading towards the Isle. Hades is expected to arrive in an hour. With a vase of pink and blue hydrangas, I enter Audrey's room. Mal was on monitoring duty. " I can take over from here," I say blankly while placing the flowers on the bedside table.

" Bella, I am so sorry. I was wrong to exclude you from the meeting and final decision. I was even more wrong to close off the Isle for good. I was only considering the safety of the main land not the Isle. It was a rash decision and I didn't think of how it could affect the Isle and all you've done for them," Mal said sincerely. Tears in her eyes as she finished her apology.

I took a deep breath, considering all the way I could respond to this. " I accept your apology, Mal... But I certainly do not forgive you."

A couple tears ran down her cheek but she quickly wiped them away. " I understand. Someday I hope you can," she said meekly and then leaving the room. A shaky breath escapes my lungs and I sit down into the chair beside Audrey. Tears cascade down my cheeks as glance towards Audrey.

I really hope Hades can save her.

(I'm sorry that it's so short again)

Light in the Dark - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now