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Bellarose POV

I was shove through the back of the restaurant and around to this side entrance of the docks. " Faster Queenie." One of the pirates behind me said through gritted teeth. I took my steps a bit faster onto the ship. " Turn here." They said and shoving me in the direction of stairs. I went down and was greeted by Harry Hook.

" Well, well, well, look who we have here." He said walking up to me with a cheshire grin. " What happened to your brother, hm?" He gently brought the gag out of my mouth.

" I made a trade, me for Ben." I say standing up straighter. Hold the confidence...

" What a dumb decision." Harry said while running his hook along my jaw. " Your quite a small lady aren't you?"

" Insulting my size? Not quite gentlemanly of you." I mock. I then received a light chuckle and a scratch to my collarbone from the tip of his hook.

" Go. I'll bring her to the brig." Harry ordered to the pirate. He let got of ropes that bound my wrists and handed me off to Harry. I was then guided deeper into the ship and to the brig. The cell bars were all rusted and deteriorating. " When I untie you...no tricks." He whispered in my ear as he took the gag off of me, I cringed and moved away.

" Wouldn't dream of it." I say back. He chuckled and undid the ties on my wrist. He proceeded to shove me into the cell making me stumble over my feet. The cell door was slammed and he let out this maniac laugh, it really came from no where.

" The Queen of Auradon, captured by the pirates of the Isle. What a dream this is! You better hope your lover-boy and friends pull through." Harry said laughing to himself. He started to walk to the door, " See you later, Queenie, try not to miss me when I'm gone." He said blowing me a kiss and slamming the rotting wood door.

" Wasn't even going to give you a thought." I mumble and taking seat on the wooden bench.

Carlos POV

Jay parked the limo and we immediate got out and went up to our dorm. As we entered the hallway, Dude came up to me. " I'm sorry I'm so late, Dude." I say as I pick him up. " Bella got captured and we're going to get her back." I was about to walk in our dorm but Jay stopped Ben and I.

" Why is our door open?" Jay asks looking to the wide open door. We all quickly went to the door way.

" You've got to be kidding me." I say annoyed, Chad was back in our dorm using our 3D printer. He turned to us shocked and powering off the printer.

" I knocked." He said trying to reason. I put Dude down and walked up to him with my hand out. He sighed and reached into his pocket pull out his replica key.

" What is that?" Ben asked looking to the thing in the printer.

" Oh," Chad chuckled and picked it up out of the machine. " That's a little Chad action figure." He mimics a plane and 'flies' little Chad across our faces. " Well, minus the head."

" Sounds like an improvement." I say, Jay and Ben chuckle from behind me. " Excuse me." I push him out of my way and pull out my phone, and bringing up a image of the wand for the download.

" Why are you guys making Fairy Godmother's wand?" Chad asked looking between Jay and Ben's shoulders. The three of us stood up straighter.

" Uh, why are we making Fairy Godmother's wand?" I ask to Ben and Jay, nervously.

" Because, uh..." Jay dragged out trying to come up with something.

" Bella's been captured!" Dude called out from sitting on my bed. All of our head snapped in his direction.

Light in the Dark - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now