The Cuff

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I've searched every spot of hers that I've found her at, not any of those places. I checked every room in the castle, not anywhere in there. I checked all the possible places in the school she could be, not anywhere there. She's probably at a secret spot I haven't found yet. I sighed and stepped out of the car.

I should probably check on the VKs after what has gone down today. I walked around the prep until I spotted them at a lunch table under a tree. I put on the best smile I could and walked up to them. " Hey, guys. How is everyone?" I ask trying to be cheerful. They all just gave me a look, Carlos looked up from his hands and I could see the tear stains on his cheek. " Yeah... Hey, listen. Forget about it. All right? It was nothing. Forget about it. Let it go." I chuckle trying to lighten the mood. " Tomorrow, after the coronation, I promise everything will be okay." I then leaned down to Mal's ear. " I have to go." I whisper to her. " I'll see you guys later."

I started to walk away, but then I remember Bella took Carlos to two of her secret spots. I quickly turned back around and walked back to the table. " Carlos, I've been looking for Bella all day. I've checked every place I think she could be, you know of any place she could be?" I ask, Carlos thought about bit for a few seconds but then his face lit up.

" I think I know where she is." Carlos says looking up to me from where he was sitting. " I just need a vehicle or a ride."

" I'll be the ride, let's go." I say, he nodded and quickly threw his blazer back on, and we got into Bella's car as fast as we could.

Carlos POV

Ben and I quickly hoped in Bella's car and left the school's property. I remembered the directions to the waterfall like the back of my hand. I directed Ben every turn until we made it to the waterfall. " She's here?" Ben asked getting out of the car. I got out and saw her bike hidden in a bush.

" I sure hope so." I say standing beside him looking at the waterfall, all of the amazing memories of our date replayed in my mind.

" So, where is she?" Ben asked.

" If I'm right, she should be behind the waterfall." I say, Ben then started to walk around the lake to the waterfall but I put a hand on his shoulder stopping him. " If it's alright, I'd like to talk to her first?"

" Yeah, go ahead." Ben said taking a step back to the car.

" Thanks." I say then jogging to the side of the waterfall. I carefully walk along the edge, behind the waterfall, and to the entrance of the cavern. I could see a glow towards the end of the tunnel. She's here! " Bella?" I ask starting to walk deeper, no answer. I then start to panic and hurried to the cavern of gems at the end of the tunnel.

When I got to the end I just saw her sitting on the ground, with her knees to he chest and her head down. I could hear her sobs, seeing her like this make my heart shatter. " Bells..." I say sitting down next to her. I tried to put my arm around her shoulder but she flinched a bit and scooted a few inches away. " Bella, it's me, Carlos." I say scooting closer.

" Go away, I don't wanna hurt you too. They all think I'm a monster." She said sadly looking up to me, I could see the tear stains on her cheeks.

" You're not going to hurt me and you are certainly not a monster." I say putting my hand on her cheek, keeping her from looking away.

" Yes, I am. I hurt Auradon's precious Prince Charming." She said in a slightly mocking voice.

" Chad? He's fine. But more importantly, you protected us, you protected Jay from Chad." I say pulling her closer to me. She leaned into my chest and started to cry more. I kissed the top of her head and hugged her tightly.

Light in the Dark - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now