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Bellarose POV

I was up 98% of the night planning mine and Carlos' date for later. It was 3ish I decided to go check up on Mal and Evie, so I walked to their dorm.

I knock the door, then immediately the door was opened by Evie. She smiles when she see me. " Hi guys, I'm just checking up on you two."

" We are good. Would you like to come in?" Evie offers.

" Oh, it's okay, I wouldn't want to intrude." I say.

" No, I insist." Evie said pulling me in.

" Okay then." I look to see Mal and Jane in the room. " Hi Mal, Hi Jane. And nice hair"

"Hey." They both say. " Thanks." Jane said.

" So back to what I was saying. Mom said, ' If a boy can't see the beauty with in, then he's not worth it'. Can you believe it?" Jane says.

" I can." I say sitting down look at the sketches of dresses Evie had spread out.

" I mean, what world does she live in?" Jane said exasperated.

" Auradon." Mal said plainly, she was focusing on a drawing.

" Mal, you like?" Evie said holding up a shirt she was making.

Mal glances up quickly before focusing back on her drawing. " Yeah, it's cute. It brings out your eyes." she said.

" I know." Evie said admiring her work.

" I'll never get a boyfriend." Jane complains.

" Boyfriends are overrated." Mal said.

" How would you know that? You've never had one." Evie said matter of factly. Now this is interesting.

" Because I don't need one, E. They're a waste of time." Mal says. Evie and I gave each other look. 'What about Ben?' I mouth to Evie. She just shrugs her shoulder. She then gasps.

" I forgot to do Chad's homework." Evie exclaimed grabbing his back pack and pulling out his binder. " Oh, no! No, no, no, no."

" And that is exactly what I mean." Mal said.

" Really, Chad?" I ask.

" Yes he's a prince." Evie said dreamily. I scoff and roll my eyes. I continue to look at the designs. Lonnie then barges into the room. Jesus, that was rude.

" Hey guys! I'm Lonnie" she says. Mal and Evie look at her confused. " My mom's Mulan." Still no recognition. "No? Anyways, I love what you did with Jane's hair. And I know you hate us, and you're, well, evil." I look at Evie and roll my eyes, she laughs at my reaction. " But, I'm wondering if you could do mine?"

" Why would I do that for you?" Mal asks confused.

" I'll pay you 50 dollars." Lonnie offers holding up a bag of money.

" Good answer. I need to buy more material." Evie says taking the bag. " Let's see, I'm thinking, we lose the bangs, maybe some layers, and highlights."

" Yeah, yeah. I want it cool. Like Mal's." Lonnie says.

" The split ends too?" Evie said slight disgusted. I laugh at Mal reaction to Evie. Mal growls and get up getting her spell book. She then stand in front of Lonnie reading a spell.

" Beware, forswear, replace the old with cool hair." Mal recites. The then waves her finger with Lonnie's head following. When Lonnie looks back up her hair magically grows and turns lighter and curlier.

She slowly step in front of the mirror, her face was in shock. " I know, I know. It looks like a mop on your head. You know what? Let's cut it all off. Layer it..." Evie started

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