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Carlos POV

We were all laughing about Ben's tilted crown then Bella collapsed to the floor. I quickly went to my knees beside her trying to wake her up. " Bella! Bella! Come on!" I yell shaking her shoulders.

" Carlos, look." Evie said pointing to her hand. I grabbed her arm to see the veins slowly becoming black, as it went up her forearm. Ben came to the other side of her and their parents beside him.

" W-what's going on?" Ben asked frantically.

" Uh-um, M-m-maleficent she pricked he-her finger with a needle of a spinning wheel." I quickly explain, I place two fingers on her neck, only a light pulse.

" So she's cursed?" Belle asked with tears coming to her eyes.

" Likely." I sigh then bringing her up to check her breathing, slow but there.

" This shouldn't be happening, her magic should be fighting off the curse." Fairy Godmother said kneeling beside me.

" Let's get her out of here." Ben suggested. I nodded and picked her up. We all then ran out of the cathedral and into a limo. We were quickly driven to the castle where we brought her to the private infirmary.

" Fairy Godmother, you said her magic should be fighting of the curse, why isn't it?" Beast asked worried.

" It should be, but I need to know what curse this is before we can continue." She said trying to remain calm. We all listened and took a step back letting her work her magic. She used her wand waving it over Bella. She then gasped taking a step back.

" What? What is it?" Jay asked.

" It's killing her." She said with tears in her eyes.

" W-what?" Ben and I say.

" It's another one of Maleficent's curses. To a mortal without magic it would kill them, but she has magic. It's should be just another sleeping curse to her." Fairy Godmother said.

" Then why is it killing her?" Belle asked gripping onto Beast's arm.

" Because she used the wand..." I realize.

" She what?!" Beast yelled, I flinched back a bit.

" She used the wand to stall Maleficent." Mal spoke up.

" So she used what was left of her magic to help save Auradon..." Ben said trailing off. I sat down on the bed beside Bella as everyone else was discussing what to do.

" Maleficent knew about that cuff, she knew Bella would use what was left of her magic, that's why she put the curse on her." Evie said. I sighed facing Bella, away from the group as they discussed what to do.

I place my hand over her tracing the veins that darkened. After a minute, none of them were coming to the obvious conclusion. " Why don't you guys just take off the cuff? And let the magic just return to her." I say turn to them. It was unbelievable that they were trying to find a way to save while keeping the cuff on. Magic is the only thing at can save her from dying. " Why are we trying to save while keeping the exact thing is killing her?"

" Carlos, the cuff isn't killing her, the curse is." Fairy Godmother inform, god they are stressful.

" But is preventing her from beating the death part of the curse, so it might as well be." I say.

" Yeah, just take off the cuff and let the magic return to her." Jay said agreeing with me.

" It's not that easy. It takes a vote from Auradon's court." Belle said.

" Then gather the court, they should understand that it's her life and she needs to live it. She deserves it." I say. Belle, Beast, and Fairy Godmother look between each other.

Light in the Dark - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now