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Bellarose POV

I was sitting back in my chair trying my best to keep the minimal energy I have. It was hard to stay awake, Ben sat next to me trying to keep me awake. Then there was a knock at the door. " Bells, it's me." Carlos said from the other side of the door.

I tried my best to get up but every inch of my body was aching. Ben came over helping me up. " Coming." I say coughing a bit at the end. I shoo'd Ben away and walk there on my own. I unlock the door and came face to face with Carlos. " Hi." I greet with a smile, fake.

Carlos look a me a bit concerned, " Hi... Bells, are you okay? You don't look so good." He asks putting a hand on my cheek.

" Yeah, I'm fine." I say kissing his hand then pulling it away, he was very unconvinced. I then looked back to Ben, " Don't you have a date to pick up?"

" Uh, yeah..." Ben said awkwardly, when he was leave he stopped at me. " Please, be careful." He whisper to me, I gave him a nod. He looked to Carlos, " Take care of her, please."

" I will." Carlos says with a nod. Ben left giving me a kiss on the head and giving Carlos a pat on the shoulder.

" Shall we?" I ask.

" Uh, yeah...Yeah." Carlos said with a small smile. I looped arms with him and we left my dorm. For me to be able to walk I need to put some of my weight on him. I think he felt it because as we walked down the hall he kept giving me concerned glances. We made it to the front of the prep where our carriages were wait. Ben and Mal made it about the same time. When Mal looked at me she had the same concerned look as Carlos does.

" You alright, Bella?" Mal asked putting a hand on my shoulder. When her hand came in contact with my skin, I could feel the magic radiating off her, it was very energizing. I stood up a little straighter when I felt her magic.

" Yeah, I'm great." I say putting a smile on my face. She hesitantly nodded and took her hand off my shoulder. When she let go I went back to my drained self. I sighed and walked with Carlos to our carriage.

I try walking up the steps into the carriage, but I could barely pull myself up. Ben got out of his carriage, and him and Carlos helped me up. I sat down with a heavy sigh.

Carlos POV

Something was off about Bells, she wasn't herself she was weaker. The whole walk from her room she was leaning on me for support and she could barely get into the carriage herself. Ben and I had to help her and even after that she sat down pretty tired.

Ben and I got into our separate carriages. I sat next to Bells and she leaned into me. " What's going on, Bells? You're not yourself." I say, I could tell by the fake smile on her face that she was just going to say she's fine again. " And don't say you're fine because I know you're not." She sighed and looked away. I placed my hand on her cheek making her look on me. " Bells, you can tell me."

" It's the cuff." She said blankly. I look down the gold cuff on her wrist, confused what she meant. I look up wanting her to elaborate. " It's dulling my magic. And since it's dulling my magic, it's also dulling my energy and strength. And only Fairy Godmother can take it off."

" Bells, why would you do that?" I ask sorrowfully.

" I had to, it's the only way they'd trust me as their queen." She explained sadly. I was about to say something but she cut me off, " Don't even try saying there had to be another way because we both know there wasn't."

I sigh and just pull her into a hug. On her side there were a bunch of protests wanting her to not become Queen. She was about to look but I hugged her tighter, holding her to my chest so she wouldn't see. Ben saw the protesters and looked back to us. He saw me cradling her in my arms, he gave me an approving/grateful nod and turned back to Mal.

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