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I stuck with Carlos as the four of us chased the pirates. The pirates split into three separate alleys forcing the group split up. Carlos and I followed the pirates that were on our bikes until they made a sharp right turn. As we made it to junction they were long gone, only their laughs were able to be heard. We both are heaving for our breathes while looking down the long ass alley. " Holy shit, we should've just let them take the bikes and not have to run." I say leaning back onto a brick wall with my hands resting on my knees.

" I really hate to say it but I'm starting to agree," Carlos says through heavy breathes.

I push myself off the wall and pat Carlos' shoulder to get his attention. " Let's go find the others," I say. He nods and we walk back to the alley where the entrace of Faciliar's Arcade is, and meeting back up with Evie and Jay. They also had no success in getting their bikes back.


Mal and Celia came back to us and them having the success of getting Hades' Ember. Since we were without bikes, we walked towards the bridge entrance. " All right. Get in, get out," Mal said  looking down to the Ember in her hands. We started to approach the barrier, " Jay?"

He nodded and pulled the button that open the barrier out of his pocket. He pointed the small remote at the barrier and an opening started to expand. The group of us stepped through we all gasped lightly. " Woah, you got a little Hades' thing going," Evie said looking over to Mal's new look.

" Thing packs a punch, huh?" I say as I check out the updated color scheme of her outfit. A loud thud behind us forces us to make a sharp turn to look behind us. Harry Hook and Gil were laying on the ground and the barrier behind them just shut. 

" We made it, bro!" Gil said happily.

" We made it!" Harry exclaimed as both of them went in for a celebratory hug. I audibly groan annoyed and rubbed my hands over my face. They then turned to us and Harry looked at us with his wide-eyed stare. " Hey, guys. We're just coming for a wee visit," Harry said then chuckling.

Carlos and Jay stepped forward starting to push them back. But they resisted and push back sending the boys to right into Mal. Mal dropped the ember and as she reached down Harry's Hook hand came down and flicked the stone towards the ocean. " No!" Mal and I exclaim as the stone went over the edge and started to decend into the roaring waves.

Just as it was about to hit the water, a familiar teal tentacle shot up from the water and wrap itself around the stone. Uma then emerged from the ocean below and smirked up at us. " Drop something?" She taunts showing us the glowing ember in her tentacle.

" It can't get wet. Give it back before it goes out," Mal called out, the desperation evident in her voice. Uma laughs and curls the ember in her tentacle.

" Uma?" Harry and Gil exclaim shocked.

" That's my name," She smiled and giving them a wave. She then submerges herself back into the water. A water cyclone started the grow before us. Carlos came up beside me and protectively wrapped around my waist. As the water cyclone got, at least, 100 feet above our heads, it burst.  We all flinched back as the ocean water rainned down on us. We stepped forward looking over the edge to see nothing there, no Uma. " Hi, boys," Uma mused from behind us.

Gil and Harry laughed happily as we all turnn to face her. " Welcome back," Harry smiled as they both walked forward to greet her.

" Uma, you swam off annd forgot all about us," Gil said sadly.

" Yeah. Planning her revenge, no doubt," Mal says bitterly.

" It's not all about you, Mal," Uma spat. " I was looking for a hole in the barrier to let everybody out. Ad you know what I found out, boys?" Uma whipped around to face Harry and Gil. " It's way better out there than we thought. There's this thing that looks like a furry rock called a coconut. And fish so big you can dance on their backs." The two boys looked intrigued by her words. " And they've been keeping it all for themselves."

Light in the Dark - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now