Arriving in Auradon

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~Two Weeks Pass~

Bellerose POV

I was woken up by Ben hitting me with a pillow. " What the hell?!" I yell at him.

" Get up or you'll be late. And your alarm has been blaring for an hour." I jump up in shock at his words, he laughs at my reaction. How could I have slept through my alarm?! I shove him out of my room." You have 30 minutes!" He shout through the door.

" I'll be out in 20!" I yell back. I brushed my teeth and curl my hair with in 10 minutes, which a miracle. For clothes I grabbed whatever was on top be used I'm too lazy to look through all. At least it was a decent outfit. I then put some make up on grab my shoe and meet Ben in the limo.

" Hi Benjamin!" I say to him sitting in the limo.

" How many time do I have to tell you not to call me that. If you call me that I get to call you by your full name." Ben says.

" Ugh fine!" We sit in a short silence for a bit. " To let you know I have a performance at lunch today at about the time they get here."

" Okay so in 20ish minutes?" I check my watch and happily nod. I pull out my motorcycle keys and hand them to Ben.

" Hold these for safe keeping please." He nods and puts them in his blazer. We arrive at Auradon Prep and there was a crowd ready to greet the Isle kids. Of course Audrey was in front wait for Ben's arrival. When we got out Audrey rushed to hug Ben. She completely ignored me, usual.

" Are you sure about this Ben? They are the children of our enemies." Audrey says. Ugh, I hate her. Why can't she just trust us?

" Yes, Audrey, we are sure of our decision." I say with a fake smile towards her. She then rolls her eyes at me. Then a limo pulls up in front of us. First two boys came out wrestling, for a blanket? then came out two girls one with blue hair (Evie) and one with purple hair (Mal).

"You got everything else, why do you want whatever this is?" The smaller boy (Carlos) asked.

" Because you want it!" The other one (Jay) yells back.

" Guy, guys, guys, we have an audience." Mal says to them.

" Just cleaning up" Jays says. He then pulls Carlos up.

" Leave it like you found it." Fairy Godmother said in a sing-song voice. " By that I mean just leave it" She said switching her tone. Then Jay and Carlos throws anything they had in their hands back into the vehicle.

" Hello, foxy. My names, Jay" Jay says walking in front of me. I put out my hand for him to shake but them I pull him closer.

" Not a chance." I say in his ear. The other three laugh us and so does Ben. Audrey just had a disgusted look as usual.

" Welcome to Auradon Prep. I'm Fairy Godmother. Headmistress." She says and bows. I got distracted when I felt someone staring at me. I look over to see Carlos was staring at me. When we make eye contact, I smile and wink at him. Which makes him blush, this causes me to laugh.

" THE Fairy Godmother. As in 'Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo'?" Mal asks.

" Bibbidi-Bobbidi you know it!"

"Yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared, out of nowhere, with that sparkly wand and warm smile. And that sparkly wand" Mal said. She said that twice? Weird.

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