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Bellarose POV

Ben was treading water processing what just happened but moments later started swimming towards the yacht. Jay and Carlos then came beside me with a rolled up ladder. They latched it on and let it fall, Ben then climbing up the planks of wood. " There you go." Dad said coming to stand next to me. As Ben made it to the top, we each grabbed onto one of his hands and assisting him over the railing, and back onto the deck.

Everyone cheered once Ben was safely on the ship. I hugged him tightly, " Thank goodness, you're okay," I then punch him in the shoulder, " Don't do that again!" I scold, he winced slightly.

" Can't promise." He chuckled rubbing the spot where I punched him. " You okay? You're a bit pale."

" I'm fine, just using excessive amount of magic. Once I get some food in my system I'll be good." I say while catching my breath slightly.

Mal screeched as she came around and flying over the ship. She steadied herself and landed in front of stained glass art pieces. Purple smoke engulfed her and shrunk down. When the smoke cloud burst, Mal was back to her normal self and in a dress reflecting the dress in her stain glass window. She quickly started patting out the smoldering parts of her dress.

She looked up to Ben and laughed happily, and giving him a small wave. She picked up the skirt of the dress and bowed to Ben. I nudged the star struck Ben and he snapped back into reality and bowed to Mal. Two guards then came to Mal's side and assisting her down the large staircase, everyone applauded her. Evie pulled me to meet her at the top of the smaller staircase. " So, I did not know that I could do that." Mal said to us.

" Tell us about it." Evie sighs.

" That makes three of us." I add and taking a breath while looking over everyone.

" Shall we?" Evie said offering each of us one her hands.

" We shall." Mal and I say and each taking the hand offered. We walked down the short staircase and we were each in front of Carlos and Ben. Evie then let go of our hands and stood beside Doug.

" Hi." Mal said breathlessly and looking into Ben's loving eyes. Ben smirked and grabbed Mal's waist pulling her into a passionate kiss, everyone chuckled at the two.

" I mean, if they get to..." Carlos started then pulling me into a kiss. I smiled into the kiss and placed my hands on his shoulders.

Ben's hand then went on each of our shoulders and pushing us apart, " Okay, that's enough. Not in front of me."

" Then just don't look." I say while swatting his hands away.

" So what's next?" Evie asked me, everyone then looked to Ben and I. Ben was looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

I take a breath and a moment to think, I look over to the Isle and getting the idea. " I think we need to start a new project, it's time for the next group of VKs." I say with a small smile. Everyone around, especially the VKs, cheered loudly. Carlos wrapped his arms tightly around me and spun me in a hug.

A guard then came through the crowd and in front of Mal. " Lady Mal, we found your spell book below deck." He said and handing her the book. " Uma had it."

Mal's hand ran over the dragon that sat in the middle of the leather book. Ben looked at her with anticipating eyes, awaiting her choice, " Um... You know, this seems like the kind of thing that belongs in the hands of Fairy Godmother. Fairy Godmother?" Mal called out and then Fairy Godmother pushed her way through the crowd.

" Okay, that's me. Thank you." She said as the people got out of her way. She looked to the book and nodded, agreeing with Mal.

" This belong in the museum." Mal stated.

" It does, yes. And I'm gonna take it." Mal handed over the new artifact for display.

" Go for it." Mal chuckled and Fairy Godmother then left he group of teens. Mal looks up to Ben, who was looking proud, " I'm not gonna be needing it anymore." She then playful kicked some water at Ben and everyone 'ooh'ed. Ben returned the favor and splashed some water at her.

Ben and I each grabbed our significant other's hand and pulled them up the shorter staircase so we stood above the crowd.

Ben and Bellarose : Looking back at yesterday
I thought I gave it everything
But still there's so much road ahead of me

Mal and Carlos : When I looked into your eyes
I guess I didn't recognize
Who we are and all that we can be

Ben, Mal, Bellarose, Carlos : Sometimes it's hard to find yourself
But it's worth it in the end
'Cause in your heart is where it all begins

All : We gotta be bold
We gotta be brave
We gotta be free
We gotta get loud
Making that change
You gotta believe (whoa)
We'll look deep inside
And we'll rise up and shine
We can be bold
We can be brave
Let everyone see
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me

Evie, Carlos, Bellarose : There's something special that I've learned
It's together we can change the world
Everybody's got something that they can bring

Jay and Mal : When you take a look inside yourself
Do you wish that you were something else?
But who you are is who you need to be

Evie, Mal, Bellarose : Sometimes it's hard to find yourself
But it's worth it in the end
'Cause in your heart is where it all begins

All : We gotta be bold
We gotta be brave
We gotta be free
We gotta get loud
Making that change
You gotta believe (whoa)
We'll look deep inside
And we'll rise up and shine
We can be bold
We can be brave
Let everyone see
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me

Bellarose, Mal : We all can do a part
We know that it can be the start
To bring about the difference that we need (yeah)

Ben, Carlos : I promise we can work this out
I promise we can see it through
Don't you know it's up to me

All : It's up to me and you
We gotta be bold
We gotta be brave
We gotta be free
We gotta get loud
Making that change
You gotta believe (whoa)
We'll look deep inside
And we'll rise up and shine
We can be bold
We can be brave
Let everyone see
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me

Mal, Carlos, Ben, and I stood in the center of everyone and they all splashed us with copious amount of water. I stood closer to Carlos and shoved my face into his chest. When they stop we all stood up straighter and pushed back the wet hair in our faces. The four of us then ran up both staircases to look over everybody with wide smiles. They all faced us and bowed, in returned we each gave our own royal wave.


The ship docked, signaling everyone that the party is over and time to head back to your dorm, or home. Since we left as a big group, Carlos and I were able to sneak away from everyone. We pulled open the heavy metal gate that led into the gardens. We ran into the center of the lawn and plopped ourselves down onto the grass. " You know this new project of yours is gonna be difficult to accomplish, right?" Carlos questions as we laid back looking to the stars.

" Our project, Lord Carlos." I correct, teasing him a bit. " and yes, but now it won't just be me fight for the Isle. I have you and Mal now. It'll be a lot easier than just me." We laid in silence for a bit before I looked over and catching him staring. " What? Why are you staring?"

Carlos smiled lightly, " I love you." He blurted.

" I love you too." I say and interlocking our fingers, and giving his hand a squeeze.

This seems like another happily ever after, right? But there is still so much more to the story.

Light in the Dark - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now