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(Please help I cannot figure out a title for the life of me. Please put suggestions in the comments!)

Bellarose POV

I just finished up some paperwork, just in time for a date Carlos and I planned, when I got a notification on my phone. Help. It read and from Carlos. I quickly stood up and texted him I was on my way. I pull up his location and it was just outside of the prep. I took a deep then there was a bright light, and I teleported myself to the lobby of prep. I looked out the door and there was Carlos and Mal getting bombarded by the paparazzi.

I ran out of the lobby and immediately collided with Ben. " What are you doing just eating an apple? Help them!" I say dragging him with me. I then came up in front of Carlos and Mal. " Hello. Hi. I think that's enough for today." I say with a breathy chuckle.

" Mal, is you mother still a lizard?" A reporter asked shoving the microphone in her face. Ben then made his way over to Mal.

" Okay, alright. Excuse me." Ben said pushing through the reporters and putting his arm around her waist. " Uh, we will let you know if and when that particular situation changes."

" Bellarose, updates on post-cursed mentality and physical well being." She said shoving the microphone towards me.

" No comment." I say turning to face Carlos. " I'm so sorry I couldn't get here sooner." I say rubbing his cheeks with my thumbs.

" It's okay, I only got you here for Mal's sake." Carlos said grabbing one of my hands and kissing it.

" Did either of you think you'd be with a villain kid?" A report ask Ben and I. We both let out a dry chuckle.

" We're done here." We both say into a microphone. Then Fairy Godmother, thankfully, came over.

" Okay." She said then shushing all the reporters. " This is still a school, so if you're here, you're either skipping or trespassing." They all started to speak up again but were, once again, shushed. She then started shushing them away, and pushing them away from us. We all thanked the reporters, even though they were so annoying.

" Mal, Ben. Bellarose, Carlos." Fairy Godmother said.

" Fairy Godmother." We all said giving her a thankful nod, she then left without another word. Carlos and Mal then let out a sigh.

" Don't pay any attention to them." Ben said.

" Well, that's a lot easier said than done." Mal said with a breathy chuckle. " Right?" Carlos and I stepped away giving the couple their space.

" Carlos, I am so sorry I couldn't get here sooner." I apologize, again.

" Bells, I told you it's okay. I'm just glad you got here." he said giving me a kiss on the cheek. " How is the post-curse thing though? You feeling okay?"

" I am perfectly fine, other than these." I say holding up the arm that was still stained with the curse. It has been slowly going away, the black vein start a my finger tip, and now, to just above my elbow. " You ready for our date?"

" Of course." I say, we were leaning in for a kiss when a alarm on my phone went off. Council meeting... " You've got to be kidding me."

" What?" Carlos asked concerned.

" Council meeting, I am so sorr-" my apology was then cut off by Ben.

" Bella, go. I know how much you've been looking forward to this." Ben said placing a hand on my upper arm.

" But Ben-"

" Go, I'll say your not feeling well or something. I fill you in afterwards." Ben assured.

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