First Proclamation

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Bellerose POV

I'm standing at the window of my room, staring out to the Isle. I feel a pull to there. I don't know why, but it feel like there is something there for me. But then I was knocked out my trance when Ben barged into my room.

" Yes please come in" I say to him sarcastically. I then sit on my bed and watch him pace my room.

" Sorry just I have an idea for our first proclamation, but I want to know if you are thinking the same thing. It seems pretty crazy but I think it would do good for the people it affects." Ben says in a worried tone.

" I have an idea too. And I too think it is pretty crazy." I say to him obviously calmer than he his. " On three we say our idea. One...Two...Three!"

" I think we should give the children of the isle a chance in Auradon." We say at the same time. We look at each other surprised. " I guess we do have the twin telepathy thing." We say, this cause us to laugh at our selves.

" I thought you were going to think I was crazy." Ben says, sitting next to me on my bed and throwing his arm over my shoulder.

" Well this is a crazy idea. So we're crazy together." I say leaning into him. We laugh together. " So how are we gonna tell Mom and Dad?"

" I think it is best to just straight up tell them and hope for the best. We'll tell them tomorrow when we get measured for our coronation attire." I nod at his words.

"Who do you think we should bring over first?" I ask

" I think we should bring the ones that need our help the most." I raise and eyebrow at him. " Cruella De Vil, Jafar, Evil Queen, and Maleficent."

"Good because I was think the exact same thing." I say to him.

" So wanna watch a movie?"

" Of course." I say. I get up quickly to grab the remote and sit back down next to Ben.

" That's the fastest I've seen you move in years." I smack him in the chest and he laughs at my actions. He then snatches the remote from my hands.

" Hey!" I exclaim trying to get the remote back. " Give it back!"

" No I pick. You chose last time and because I'm older than you." He says holding the remote out of my reach.

" By 3 minutes!" I say giving up. He picks a some action movie he likes. We sit there in comfortable silence, just enjoying the other company. We eventually fall asleep due to how late at night it was.


I wake up to my blaring alarm and Ben's loud snoring. I sit up and rub my eyes. Once I was awake enough to get out of bed I stand up and grab the pillow I was laying on. I turn to bed and hit him over the head with it. He jolts awake and falls off the bed.

" Wake up! " I yell at him. I hear him groan and stand up from his spot on the floor. He rubs his eyes and stretches.

" What was that for?" he questions me. I laugh at his bed head.

" I needed to wake you up" I say cheerfully.

" You really couldn't just nudge me awake like a regular person?"

" No because where's the fun in that?" I laugh, he then throws a pillow me causing me to laugh more. " Now out I need to change and you need to take a shower." I say walking closer to him. I quickly shove him out the door and start to get ready. I do all the necessary things to prepare my self for a day, take a shower, brush my teeth, all that stuff. Since we were staying in castle today i chose to wear something comfortable to walk around in. I put my hair in a low messy bun just to keep it out of my face. I then walk out of my room to Ben's. I, of course, just let myself in, by picking the lock, and sit on his bed and go on my phone.

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