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While Carlos, Dude, and I waited outside they settled on a plan of going spliting into two groups. One going to find Ben and the other going to find clues of Audrey's whereabouts in her summer school dorm. I went with the boys to find Ben and just avoid listening to Mal and Uma's bickering.

The boys and I checked around the castle grounds and around the prep property and no sign of Ben. We then head into the woods that borders the prep. " Ben!" I call out while we wander deeper into the wood. Dude went ahead trying to sniff out Ben's cologne.

Dude went a little too far for Carlos' liking and got called back with whistle. Dude broke thorugh the bush and came running up to Carlos and I. " Nothing?" Carlos questions while sitting on a rock to pet him.

" These things just grow everywhere," Gil commented as he took berries off a nearby bush to eat. " Hey, we should play that icebreaker game," He said turning to Jay behind him. " Um, Jay, I like the way that you can bounce around and jump off things. These are free, right?" Gil asks while putting another berry into his mouth.

" Yes, they are free," I answer and sitting with Carlos. Gil hums happily and starts picking a handfull.

Jay then came over to the berry bush. " Yeah, uh, I like how you get a kick out of a berry bush." Jay says giving into the icebreaker. He follows in Gil ways of eating off a berry bush.

" I guess you've probably seen everything by now, huh? Furry rocks. Giant fish. You're probably used to grabbing luch off of a bush." Gil said

Jay chuckled, " No. I mean, no, not really. I mainly just use the vending machine at practice. You know, tourney, kind of eats up most of my time. So..." Harry's laughing cut their conversation short.

" Tourney, that's a wee boy's game." Harry says to Jay.

Gil backhands Jay's arm getting his attention back. " Hey, you know what would be fun? To go rafting on a jungle river."

" Find a lost civilization," Jay adds.

" Oh, or maybe a penguin!"

" Oh, well, you'd find those more in like icebergs, but I'd love to see one of those," Jay said.

" You guys are killing me," Harry said through gritted teeth. He proceeds to walk over between them and pick a berry off the bush with his hook. His eyes then light up at the sweet taste. He look over to Carlos and I, " P.S., your mutt went that way."

" Carlos! Bella!" Dude called out. We quickly stand up from our rock and follow after Dude's voice. " This way!"

" Dude, what do you see?" I ask as we catch up to him.

" I caught Ben's scent again," He explains. " Follow me."

Following Dude's lead, we went deeper into the woods. Carlos, Jay and, I calling out Ben's name into the open area. Dude groans and turns to us, " Boy, something stinks. And it wasn't me this time!"

A beast them jumps out from behind a tree, growling loudly. It turned to us and let out a roar. The beast was wearing awfully familiar attire. But before I could get a good look, it jumped forward and it's clawed hannd reaching for me. Carlos was quick to pull me back into his chest as the beast's momentum brought itself into a tree. It turn trying to get Harry but getting dodged and tripping over a falled log.

It regains it's composure and jumps at Harry once again. It would've gotten him if Jay didn't yank Harry out of it's way. It gains the high ground while climbing to a piece of terrain that was elevated. Finally I can get a good look at it's attire and I only knew one person with that jacket and pants. My brother.

" I think you need serious nose adjustments," Harry says shakily to Dude.

" I'm not so sure about that," I state. " Ben? Did Audrey do this to you?" He then roared at me, " Ben, I don't know what the hell that means!"

Light in the Dark - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now