Did I Mention?

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I was sitting at table right near Mal locker, mostly because I want to see what happens to Ben under the love spell. I sat there pretending to read book and Ben and Audrey came out from the school, with Mal on their tail.

A bunch of girls below me were sitting on a bench, gawking over each other's new hair. When see Mal, they all loudly thanked her. Carlos and Jay then came from school, and Jay went to Mal, while Carlos took the seat next to me. " Hey." I say putting down the book.

" Hi, whatcha doing?" He asked picking up the book.

" Pretending to read, so people don't bother me. Also just wait for you guys to spell Ben, because I have a feeling it's gonna be good." I say looking to Mal, who was snapping at Jay, and to Ben, who was in his locker.

Mal and Jay laughed together then separated, and Jay came to us. " What are the lovebirds doing today?" Jay asked sitting on the table.

" Waiting for Ben to be spelled." I say, he nodded but then he notice the table full of girl below us, and starts to flirt with them. Evie then came running beside me.

" I got the measurements you sent and I've already came up with a sketch for the dress, and I want to know your opinion on it." Evie said holding her sketch book to her chest.

" I'm pretty sure it is amazing but sure, I'll give it a look." I say sitting up more. She then handing me her sketch book and there was the amazing drawing of a red dress, that I immediately fell in love with. " Evie...I love it!"

She then squealed happily and took the book out of my hand. " Great! I'll get to work on it, right after the game today!"

" Hey, Bennyboo!" Mal said getting all of our attentions. I turned my head slightly to I could watch then scene unfold from my peripheral vision.

" Hey." Ben said bring all his attention to Mal.

" Uh, I just made a batch of cookies. Double chocolate chip, do you want one?" Mal asked holding up the ziploc of one cookie.

" I've got a big game. I don't eat before a big game. But thank you so, so much. Thank you. Next time. Next time." Ben said starting to walk away.

" No, yeah. I completely understand. Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains." Mal said her tone dropping a bit.

" No, no, no." Ben said trying to deny that statement.

" No. I'm sure every kid in Auradon knows that." Mal said looking out to the lawn of Auradon kids.

" No, no. That's not it." Ben said nervously.

" That's fine. I guess more for me." Mal said, pulling out the cookie about to bite it, but Ben quickly swiped it out of her hand and taking a bite.

" See that? Totally trust you. Totally." Ben said keeping his eyes on Mal. Mal looked to us, and Carlos, Evie, and Jay stood up to walk closer.

" How are they?" Mal asked innocently.

" They're great! They're amazing!" Ben chuckled. " They're... I mean, they're chewy and, you know, they...is that walnuts?" Mal nodded with a smile on her face. " I love walnuts. I mean, you know, the chocolate...the chocolate...Chocolate chips are...They're warm and soft."

Watch is is the most amusing thing that his happened today. I chuckled lightly watching Ben fall apart as the love potion took effect. " And they're sweet... Mal, have you always had those little gold flecks in your eyes?" Ben said, he was about to go in for another bite of the cookie but Mal took it away and put it in the bag.

" How are you feeling, bro?" Jay asked from behind Ben, putting his hands on his shoulders.

" I feel... I feel... I feel like singing your name. Mal! Mal!" He started singing loudly. But Mal quickly muffled his singing with her hand.

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