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Bellarose POV

With my bag of work slung over my shoulder, I exited my dorm room and headed towards the swordsman arena. I climbed the flight of stairs reaching the upper seating area. I took my front row seat and leaned onto the railing. I scanned over the boys doing their warm ups until I saw my white haired man. I smiled to myself and bit my lip, enjoying the sight of his push-up warm up. " Enjoying your boyfriend's warm ups?" Jane asked sliding into seat next to me.

" Just a little bit." I say not taking my eyes off him.

" That look is definitely more than 'a little bit'." Jane said with a smirk. I let out a laugh and gave her a nudge. I wolf whistled getting Carlos attention. I blew a kiss at him and winked, he chuckled and shook his head.

" BR! No distracting my men during practice!" Jay scolded jokingly.

" I didn't do anything." I say innocently.

" Mhm, I bet. Just do your work." Jay said nodding to my bag of work.

" I guess, I could do that." I shrug leaning back in my chair and pulling a manila folder of paperwork regarding the cotillion yacht renting cost and who's is to be charged if is returned with any damage. As much as I hate all the reading, I have to before signing anything. Although my occasional glances to Carlos made it more tolerable.

A cart of fencing mask then were rolled in and each team member took one, and taking sword out of the bucket. After a few warm up swings and blocks, they get a water break. " All right, boys, let's line it up. Carlos, you're with me, let's go." Jay said over everybody.

The guys all partnered up and stood in two lines parallel to each other. " Rassembler!" They got into position with their arms out. " Salute!" They brought the hand with the sword to their faces. " Lower the point." They brought the sword to the ground. " Masks down. En garde."

And 3...2...1, they begin. I pushed the papers to the side and watch them go head to head with each other. As Jay and Carlos fought, Jay kept giving him pointers throughout. A new person jumped in blocking Jay's swing. Everyone, other than Jay and the mysterious person, stepped to the side to watch this go down.

" Get him, Jay!" One of his teammate's yelled from the side line. Jay took of his mask getting a better look at his opponent. I studied the fighting stance the person was in and I only knew one person that stood like that... Lonnie! I smiled and gripped onto the railing with anticipation.

Lonnie was pulling moves that Jay was never prepared for. The more Lonnie struck, the hard it got for Jay. " Come on, Lonnie. Beat him." I say under my breath. Their swords clashed and Lonnie push they were both pointed down, and she took the sword from Jay's hand. She swiped at Jay a few times before holding the sword out, Jay kicked the base and she let got letting it go back into his grasp.

Out of breath Jay held the sword at his shoulder surrendering to Lonnie. She grabbed the mask and pulled it off, revealing her identity. " It's Lonnie!" A cheerleader beside me exclaimed. I clapped my hands together and cheered for her, everyone then joining in.

" Not bad." Jay complimented.

" You should put me on the team." Lonnie suggested taking a step towards him. Jay step toward as well about to give her the free spot on the team but of course Chad had to add his input.

" Um, what?" He said stepping up to Jay. " No, no, no. We'll be the laughing stock of the league. And what's gonna happen next? More girls play tourney? I mean, we already have Bellarose."

I rolled my eyes and teleport myself next to him. " You got a problem with that?" I ask with my arms crossed. He look at me taking in my death stare.

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