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Bellarose POV

An hour and a half later, I was still standing tied to the mast. I tried occupying my time with looking around the docks to see what others were doing. But eventually it became extremely boring because it was the same thing over and over again. Harry then jumped down from the forecastle deck to directly next to me. He dragged the hook across my collarbone, up my neck, then along my jaw. He laughed amused as his hooked was led off my chin. " How's it feel to be Queen now, eh?" Hook asked bitterly and leaning onto the mast by his arm.

I slowly turn my head and give him an unamused look. He gave me a dry chuckle and disappeared out of my line of sight. He showed up back on my left and was about to stay another remark but got pushed away by Uma. " Give it a rest, Harry. We don't want damaged goods." Uma said while sitting on a chest in front of me.

" You said I could hook her!" Harry exclaimed, through gritted teeth, hanging off the shroud and pointing his hook at me.

" I said at noon." Uma corrected firmly. Harry got down from the shroud and hung a pocket watch from his hook in front of my face.

" Twenty more minutes." His said tauntingly. I looked to the small clock in front of my face.

" Unless your clock is 10 minutes ahead, that says 11:30." I say, he sighed at me annoyed.

" You better hope Mal comes through." Uma said, Harry hummed agreeing and standing next to her. " Likely with the hope of her boyfriend, your brother."

" Trust me, I know who my brother is." I remark. " Being honest, I don't know what they are right now."

Uma smirked at me, " Leave us alone, Harry." He left her side and stood close to me, once again.

" Nineteen more minutes to go." He said taunting me again.

" Go." Uma told him annoyed, he then finally left. Uma looked up to me.

" So how's this going? You talk first? I talk first?" I ask, she chuckled at me.

" This island is a prison thanks to your father." Uma said bitterly to me.

" You think I don't know that? Being here I've seen the bare minimum of what you've grown up with." I shoot back at her. That was a bit harsh, I take a deep breath calming down. " I've been trying best to get better conditions here." I say slowly, Uma looked to me with curious eyes. " Since I've became Queen of Auradon, I have been trying to bring up the Isle and every time I've been shut down because all the people that I bring it up to at meetings have been affected by someone on this crummy island. It is such a double standard that if something was done by someone from Auradon, it would just be an error in judgement. But if the same was done by someone from the Isle you boot them off and leave them to rot."

" For an Auradon girl, you're pretty open minded to people like me and have some enlightened ideas." Uma said.

" I'll take that as a compliment, thanks." I say giving her a small smile. " I know you don't deserve this life." Uma scoffed, almost like snapping back into character.

" Don't pretend to look out for me because no one's looking out for me. It's just me." Uma said, getting a little quieter.

" Nice to know this isn't your mom's plan. Nice necklace though." I say nodding to the shell around her neck, definitely from her mother.

" My mom doesn't care about me either. Well, unless she needs someone to work the night shift." Uma said.

" Ouch."

" I don't need your pity." She spat at me.

I chuckle to myself, " No, you certainly don't." She stood up with a smile on her face.

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