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Bellarose POV

" Come on, Ben." I say while massaging his shoulders. " I have no doubts that Mal will say yes." Minutes prior Ben barged into my room being a nervous wreck.

" But what if she doesn't!" He groans rubbing his hands over his face.

" She is." I say again, just trying to assure him. The shower water stopped and Carlos came out with a towel loosely around his hips. He looked over confused and held the towel tighter to his body. 'Nervous' I mouth to him, he slowly nods and quickly grabs clothes and walks back into the bathroom. I squat down next to him and placed a hand on his knee. " Ben, it's gonna be perfect. She loves you and I know you love her. You are going to propose and Mal's going to say yes. I promise that with my life."

" Really?" He asked peeking up from his hands.

" Really," I assure with a nod. " How about you go find her to just relieve some nerves? Seeing her will help, right?"

" Uh, yeah-yeah, I think it will." Ben said mumbling to himself. He stood up and I stood up with him. He started picking up his jacket but he stopped and turned to engulf me in a tight hug. It shocked me but I did hug him back. " Thank you for being here."

" Well, gotta return the favor at some point, right?" I say with a small chuckle. I get more comfortable and hug him tighter.

" I love you, Bella."

" I love you too, Ben." I sigh enjoying the hug before pushing him back and handing him his jacket. " Now go talk to Mal before we have to leave." He chuckles and leaves my room.

As soon as the door shut Carlos peeked out of the bathroom, after everything was clear of Ben he stepped out of the bathroom shirtless and drying his hair. " Were you like that before last week?"

" Oh, yeah." Carlos said with a chuckle. " I was a nervous wreck that morning when you weren't around." I stepped up behind him and hugged him. I tossed the damp towel in the hamper and turned to hug me back. I took a breath in taking in the scent of his body wash before forcing myself to pull away. " Okay, I love this but put a shirt on we have to go soon." I say patting his toned chest.


We had met Ben and Mal outside of the castle and we all got into the limo together. The whole ride Ben was anxiously tapping his foot on the floor of the limo. Carlos and I were the first to step out as we stopped in front of the prep. Everybody cheered for us as we walked past them and we shook every hand that reached out to us. Ben and Mal were a few feet behind us doing the same. Carlos and I walked over the stage to stand with everybody else.

Mal was about to do the same but Fairy Godmother stopped her as she was going to get down. " Stay here?" Mal says confused but gets a confirming nod from Fairy Godmother. She took a step backbeside Ben and wave at all the people in the crowd.

" Bippity-boppity, one, two, one, two. Can everybody hear me?" Fairy Godmother said into the mic and everyone cheered for confirmation. She proceeded to pass the mic onto Ben.

" Thank you, Fairy Godmother. What's up, Auradon?" Ben said and everyone cheered once again. " Thank you. Thank you so much for coming out to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon." Every cheered again. " It worked out pretty well for the first four."

" Yeah, especially for you and your sister!" Chad called out. I make a sharp turn of my head in his direction and flash my eyes at him. The smirk on his face immediately went away and he stepped behind Audrey. I raised an eyebrow at him and slowly looked away back to Ben and Mal. My glow faded away as I calmed down.

Ben faced Mal and took her hand in his, " Mal, this is the exact spot we first met not so long ago. I feel like I've known you my whole life. but did I mention, I'm in love with you?" Everyone 'aww'd and Doug started to play his guitar. Carlos, Jay, and I joined Doug and Evie near the stage.

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