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Bellarose POV

It's been 8 months. 8 months after cotillion and 8 months of working on the new VK program. It took a while to get it perfected and set up, but today's the day! Carlos, Mal, Evie, and Jay get to pick the next four VKs to come to Auradon. If things go according to plan they will be the next of a long line of Isle kids getting the lives they deserve.



I groan and reach over, slamming my hand on the blaring alarm clock. I take in a deep breath before sitting up in bed. I rubbed my eye and look around the room before my eyes land on Carlos, passed out on his side of the bed. I smile and lay back down facing him. Carefully, I move the strands of hair out of his face so I could see his adorable face.

I scoot closer and place my lips on his. It took a few seconds but my kiss was slowly returned. When I pulled away Carlos had a tired smile on his face and was just opening his eyes. " Do I get to be woken up like that everyday, or is it a just today thing?" He asked with a short yawn.

" It can be an everyday thing if you'd like it to be."

" Yes, I would enjoy that very much." He smiled and pulling me against him by my waist. Our lips reconnected and moved in sync with one another, he then rolled us over so he was over me. As his hands started to wander, I knew what he was doing.

" Mmm. I know what you're doing." I say as I push him back a bit.

" I'm not doing anything." He smirked and kissing my cheek, then going down to my neck. I started to melt for him but then I knock back into my senses.

" No, no, we can't do that right now." I say scooting out from beneath him. He chuckled and propped himself on his side. " We need to start getting ready. And we have to leave for the Isle at 9:30 and it's 8:00." I reach over the edge of the bed picking up a shirt off the floor and slipping it on. I get out of bed and start picking up clothes from the ground and put them in the hamper. " We've spent too much time putting this together for us to be the ones that are late."

" I guess your right." Carlos sighed very over dramatically and falling onto his back, I couldn't help but laugh at him. I picked up a couple towels from the closet and started to head towards the bathroom.

I look over my shoulder to Carlos, who was blatantly staring, " Are you coming to shower or not?" I tease. He practically jump out of the covers and hurried into the bathroom with me.


We made to the Isle on time and kids were already coming up to all of us with their applications

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We made to the Isle on time and kids were already coming up to all of us with their applications. We all walk deeper towards the center of the Isle to make sure all kids are ready for today.

All : From the North to the South
From the East to the West
Lost boys, lost girls
You all know you're the best
Hit the streets, it's your day
Turn it up, now's your chance
It's time to get up on your feet and dance

Light in the Dark - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now