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Ben, Mal, Carlos, and I stood in Audrey's room awaiting Hades' arrival, accompanied Audrey's grandmother, Fairy Godmother, and my parents. My heart aches for Queen Leah as she looks at her granddaughter's unconscious body with sorrow filled eyes. A firm knock was placed on the door catching all of our attention. Dad quickly moved to open the door. He stepped back and Hades' slowly walked into the room with his escorts holding him by his arms. 

Mal approached her father with a formal nature. " Thank you for coming," She said with a monotone voice.

" Did have much choice," Hades said bitterly. He was shackled by his wrists with magic proof cuffs and by his ankles.

Ben step towards Hades. " Can you wake her?" He asked hopefully.

" Since when did heroes care about villains?" Hades' asked Ben.

" She's..."

" One of your own?" Hades' finished for Ben. He let out an amused chuckle, " Right. When you guys try to destroy the world...it's an error in judgement. But when it's one of us...lock them up and throw away the key." 

That's what I've been saying this whole time!

Hades' head turn sharply towards my dad's ashamed look. " Right, Beast?" Hades raised his cuffed hands and everyone around flinched backward. He looks at everyone with an irritated look." I'm gonna need to use my hands."

Mal and the guards holding him looked towards Ben and I. " Why are you looking at us? Uncuff him," I say annoyed with their over precaution. Like seriously, did they think he could just do this with his mind?

The guards unlocked the cuffs around Hades' wrists. He shook his wrists out and held his hand out to Mal. As she placed the glowing ember in his hand, it was like he was brought to life. His body rolled as the embers magic coursed through him and his hair ignited into the iconic blue flame. He sighed, satisfied, with the full feeling again. " Haven't lost my touch," He said jokingly. Seeing him being, in a way, brought back to life warmed my heart. 

He turned to move towards Audrey but Dad stood in his way. As they faced each other the beastly nature with in both of them arose and they growled at each other menacingly. I rolled by eyes at there behavior. " Dad!" Mal and I said firmly, getting them both to snap out of it.

Hades shrugged and walked around Dad to the foot of Audrey's bed. With a wave of Hades' hand, all the lights in the room turned blue as he began the revival. The light flickered each time his waved his arms over Audrey's body and her body started to shimmer with magic. I watched the revival mesmerized. There was always beauty in the dark side of magic. Once Hades stood up straight and took a step back, Audrey rose from her laying position with a gasp. Her grandmother was quick to come to Audrey's side.

She looked around at all of us with a fearful look in her face. " Tell me it was all a bad dream," she pleaded with teary eyes.

" I wish I could," Ben said solemnly at Mal's side. " But it's over now."

Audrey moved to the foot of her bed towards Mal and Ben. " I'm sorry," she said in a hushed voice. " I wanted to hurt you both." She looked to everybody, " I wanted to hurt all of you."

Mal stepped forward and took Audrey's hand in hers. " I've owed you an apology for...a very long time now."

" And so have I," Ben said stepping beside Mal.

" And perhaps so have I," Queen Leah admitted and giving Mal a bow, which Mal returned with a soft smile.

Dad signaled to the guards towards Hades. " Oh yeah," Hades said with a scoff. 

Light in the Dark - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now