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" If you guys never would have brought him here this never would have happened. What were you thinking?!" Mal yelled at us.

" He was gonna come with or without us. We just wanted to protect him." Evie said trying to reason with her.

" Yeah. And we completely blew it." Carlos blurted frustrated. I was seated in a table in silence. How could I let Ben wander by himself? How could I be so stupid?

" Okay!" Jay yelled cutting of the argument. " Okay... so what are we gonna do?"

" We are not doing anything." Mal said gesturing to all of us. " This is between Uma and me, and she's a punk. And guess what, now I have to go get him."

" Whoa, whoa, whoa, Mal, you're still gonna have to go through Harry Hook and his wharf rats." Carlos pointed out.

" Yeah, you're gonna need us." Jay said.

" Uma said to come alone." Mal said.

" No, she didn't." I say standing up from my seat, breaking my silence. " She wants me and you. If that's what she wants, that's what she gets."

" Bella-"

" Don't." I say firmly, cutting Evie off. " If me going has the chance of bringing Ben back, I'm going." I lifted my hand off the table to see a handprint burned into the wood.

" Alright, she's going." Jay said eyeing the burn mark. I slightly looked over to Carlos waiting for what he had to say.

He sighs, " Just... be careful." He said, a small smile came across my face.

" I promise." I say engulfing him in a tight hug. I gave him a kiss on the cheek before letting him go.

" We'll be here when you two get back." Jay said, I nodded and left with Mal. It was an extremely quiet and awkward walk to where ever we were going. We walked onto this sort of docking area and up to 'Ursula's Fish and Chips'. I was about to step through the broken saloon doors but Mal pulled me back.

" I do the talking." she said firmly.

" Deal." I say. She then walked in front of me and pushing the saloon door open.

" I'm back." She sang getting the attention of everyone. The girl with teal hair, Uma, gave a dead stare. I've read her file, she was on my list of people who get to come to Auradon next.

" Loser party of one." She said monotone and gesturing to the table beside her. She kicked a chair towards Mal in attempt to hurt her, but Mal was quick to catch it before it could hit her. Uma smirked and laughed underneath her breath. Mal picked up the chair and sat down with a sigh. Uma looked over to me and smirked before focusing back on Mal.

" Place still stinks." Mal said looking around the diner.

" Oh, I'm sorry. We're down a butler today... Princess." Uma said bitterly.

" Where is he?" Mal asked.

" You know, I've dreamed of this. You wanting something from me, and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook." she gave Mal and cocky smirk.

" I'm so flattered that you dream of me. I haven't given you a thought since I left." Mal shot at her. Uma slammed her hand down on the table in anger.

" Obviously. You have your perfect little life , don't you?" Uma said through gritted teeth. She then turned to look at all the customers. " Doesn't she have the perfect little life?" She yelled, getting agreeance from the people. Uma turned back to Mal, " And we're 20 years into a garbage strike."

" Listen, if you have some score to settle with me, game on. I see no need to bring Ben into this." Mal says giving Uma a glare.

Uma lowly chuckled, " It may be a little unnecessary but, ugh, it is so much fun." I clenched my jaw tighter than it was. Ben is just a useless pawn in her stupid game. " Here's the deal."

Light in the Dark - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now