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I wake up like any other day but today I realized I wasn't in my dorm. I jump scared and fell onto the floor, and pulling the blanket with me. I sit up to see Carlos and all the memories of the night before. How they tried to steal the wand, taking Carlos for a motorbike ride, and watching a movie with him. I see Carlos shift in his spot, I then carefully stand up and put the blanket on him. I look over to see Jay smirking at me, I jump at his presence.

" Chill out." He laughs.

" Jesus, did I wake you? Because if I did I'm sorry." I say combing my finger through my hair to somewhat smooth it out.

" No, you're good. I woke up not too long ago." he said.

" Well, I should go, Fairy Godmother need me for something in..." I look at the clock. " 20 minutes. So I should go. Tell Carlos where I went." I say opening the door.

" I will, Bye BR." Jay says waving to me.

I give a wave goodbye and shut the door carefully, so I don't wake Carlos. I then walk to my dorm and get ready for my day. I was feeling lazy so I grab the first few things I found. I then did simple make up. I walk to the library to meet with Fairy Godmother. " Hi, Fairy Godmother."

" Oh hi, dear, ready to help me with remedial goodness?" Fairy Godmother said cheerfully. Honestly people here are too happy.

" Uh, yeah?" I say confused. What? I honestly don't think they really need remedial goodness. But I won't argue because it will just make things difficult. " Why do you need me here?" I ask kindly.

" I see they enjoy your presence, so I suspect things would go more smoothly with you here." She says before starting to write on the chalk board. She just doesn't want to be here alone. She probably scared of them. Oh well, it's gets me out of doing coronation prep. About thirty minutes pass of me just sitting there, while Fairy Godmother does remedial goodness prep. I then feel and hear my stomach growl.

" Fairy Godmother, I'm going to go get some breakfast do you want anything?" I ask standing up from the desk.

" Oh no dear, just be back soon the class starts in 10 minutes." She tells me I nod and walk to the kitchen and start to rummage through the cabinets.

" What sounds good? Granola bar or toast? " I ask myself. I'm feeling lazy and don't want wait for toast. " Granola bar it is." I grab one out of the cabinet. I then leave to head back to the remedial goodness class. But then I got pull into a hall way by someone and got thrown against the wall.

" Look who it is, the queen-to-be." Chad says to me. Him and his posse was standing in front of me.

" What do you want Chad?" I say with venom.

" I just wanted to let you know you are going to be an awful queen for Auradon." Chad says, him and his posse let out a laugh.

" Yeah, okay, tell me something I haven't heard. By the words anything you say won't affect me long term so you are really wasting your time." I say bored with him.

" Well I know one thing that will." He says, then one of his friends clocks me in the face, knocking me to the ground. " I just want to remind you, I will never bow down to you." Chad says to me before he walk off. I stand up a little light headed but I can manage. I already feel the bruise forming on my eye. I rush back to my dorm avoiding all people in the hall ways. I look into my mirror to see the bruise on my eye. I cringe at it, I notice it is took dark to even try to cover with make up. So I choose the next best thing, sunglasses.

I quickly put those on and observe my reflection. Good enough, you couldn't see the bruise so it worked. I then rush back to remedial goodness class. As soon I opened the door and everyone's eyes turned to me.

Light in the Dark - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now