Ben and Mal's Date

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Bellarose POV

I was once again in my room, organizing my closet bc it was bothering me how unorganized it was. I started off as just color coding, and now I'm working on the shades. Not like I had a wide variety of colors, just mostly black, red, gold, yellow, white, and some blue. I did have a few pastel things, but those will never leave my closet unless there was nothing else in the world.

" I need your help." Ben said barging into my room, as usual.

" You really need to practice knocking. What if I was changing?" I ask. " But whatever, what do you need help with?"

" I'm asking Mal on a date and I need your help to set it up." Ben said quickly pacing around my room.

" Okay, what do you need me to do?" I ask putting every hanger in my head on the table.

" I need your help cooking food-"

" Because you can't cook for shit." I blurt cutting him off.

"Yes, and I need to borrow the moped." He said.

" Okay, let's get to work." I say. I grab he moped keys and toss it to him, but he doesn't catch it. I sigh kind of annoyed, " We got to work on that."

He picks up the keys and follows me all the way to the kitchen. " So what are you thinking?"

" I'm thinking the basics. Sandwiches, fresh fruits, salad, probably some lemonade." Ben lists.

" We can do that. But it's missing something, something for desert." I say thinking to myself. " What do I think Mal would like?" I start pulling things out of the fridge. Ben and I then look at each other as an idea pops in out heads.

" Jelly doughnuts." We said together.

" I guess we do have the twin telepathy." Ben said.

" Probably, but anyways, you get to work on the sandwiches and fruits, and I'll get to work on the jelly doughnuts." I say, he nodded and took the bread out of the pantry. I started working on the dough and decide it would be better if we were talking to make the time go by quicker. " So, where are you taking her?"

" I'm planning on taking to the gazebo, at the lake." Ben said.

" A classic." I add.

" Do you think Mal would say yes, when I ask her on a date?" Ben asked sincerely.

" Of course, why wouldn't she?" I ask acting like I don't know their plan to steal the wand. I feel like I should stop them but I don't want to, and I don't know why.

" I don't know, I'm just thinking it would be weird for her. I mean she lived on the Isle all her life and now she has a prince asking her on a date." Ben said, I stopped everything I was doing and turned to him.

" Well, stop thinking. Mal is one hundred percent going to say yes. And if she doesn't, she'll be missing out on the time of her life." I say, making him crack a smile.

"Thanks, B, I needed that." Ben said.

" What are sisters for?" I ask, we then did our sibling handshake that we made up when we were 6. I went back to the dough and let it rise while I made filling.

" So, how's you and Carlos?" Ben asked. I could hear the smirk on his face.

" We're great, he's wonderful." I say.

" I don't know if you want to hear this, but ever since you started hanging out with VKs you are just happier." Ben said.

" Yeah, I guess I am. Before they arrived, I really only had you. I mean, it's obvious most people don't approve of me becoming Auradon's next Queen. You were the only one who was able to see past the darker style and attitude, and see me." I say looking up from the pot of strawberries, sugar, and water. " And now that they're here, I have four more people who believe in me."

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